Abortion Debate Index
All links below are to Secular Pro-Life content unless otherwise specified. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, you can also search our blog which contains thousands of articles from non-religious pro-life perspectives.
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Regarding when life begins
Biologically there’s no consensus on when life begins.
- Deconstructing Three Pro-Choice Myths: 1. Biologically, we don’t know when human life begins.
- (Charlotte Lozier Institute) A Scientific View of When Life Begins
- (Social Science Research Network) Biologists’ Consensus on ‘When Life Begins’
- Even very pro-choice biologists acknowledge a human life begins at fertilization.
- Steve Jacobs’ survey about human life cycles (TikTok, YouTube)
- Collection: For the Biology Textbook Tells Me So
- Mammalian life cycles begin at fertilization (TikTok, YouTube)
- Does “life begin at conception”? (TikTok, YouTube)
What do we mean by “alive”? Are viruses alive?
A zygote isn’t “alive” yet. Many zygotes don’t even implant.
Embryos are like sperm, eggs, or skin cells.
- Human Beings Begin as Zygotes: Refutations to 8 Common Pro-Choice Arguments: Q8. Skin cells are human! (en español aquí)
- The zygote is the beginning of the human life cycle: everyday examples.
- “Unique DNA” isn’t exactly the point
- “The fetus isn’t an individual. It’s science.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- The Case Against Abortion: Human Organisms (YouTube)
- The pro-choice view survives on widespread ignorance of biology (en español aquí)
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – chicken for breakfast
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Is this a chicken?
What about twinning?
Regarding fetal development
Embryos don’t have hearts or heartbeats.
- Research: Embryonic Hearts
- Responding to 7 pro-choice claims about embryonic hearts
- Embryos have hearts (TikTok, YouTube)
- Embryos have blood circulation by week 6 (TikTok, YouTube)
- Embryology textbooks vs abortion providers (TikTok, YouTube)
- People care about embryonic hearts (TikTok, YouTube)
- “The 6 week fetus doesn’t have a heart” [Scanning electron microscope images] (TikTok, YouTube)
- Our children’s heartbeats
Ultrasounds are just detecting electrical activity, not heartbeats.
A 9 week embryo isn’t even visible to the naked eye.
- Guardian article “What a pregnancy actually looks like” erases embryos (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Pro-choice women who have miscarried are outraged by The Guardian
- When is a fetus viable? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Many pro-choice views depend on believing embryos are “clumps of cells”
Embryos are parasites.
- Some differences between embryos and parasites. (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post) (en español aquí)
- The fetus isn’t a parasite. Stop pathologizing pregnancy.
- Our miscarried children weren’t parasites.
- Fetomaternal microchimerism (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- “It’s the literal definition of a parasite.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “The scientific FACT that fetuses are parasites” (TikTok, YouTube)
- We Asked, You Answered: Responding to “Parasite” Rhetoric
Fetuses can’t feel pain.
- The Facts on Fetal Pain
- Fetal Pain in the First Trimester (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- (Journal of Medical Ethics) Reconsidering Fetal Pain
- “Anesthesia during fetal surgery isn’t for pain” (TikTok, YouTube)
- 3 Keys to Fetal Pain: 1 – Definition (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- 3 Keys to Fetal Pain: 2 – Ultrasound Studies (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- 3 Keys to Fetal Pain: 3 – Frailty of Cortical Necessity (TikTok, YouTube)
- (AAPLOG) Practice Guideline: Fetal Pain
Regarding miscarriage compared to abortion
- “If you’ve had a miscarriage, you’ve had an abortion.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- The phrase “spontaneous abortion” is not pro-choice propaganda. (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Describing miscarriage as “intrauterine death” threatens abortion rights
- Our cultural gaslighting of women who miscarry before 20 weeks
- Is a D&C for a missed miscarriage an abortion? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Do Texas medical residents learn to provide miscarriage care? (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- “Everyone loves someone who has had an abortion” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Pro-abortion ideology strips compassion from miscarriage care
You aren’t a person until…
…you’re viable/can live independently/don’t require someone else’s body to live.
- Viability = personhood?
- Viability is the least plausible definition of personhood (TikTok, YouTube)
- (Equal Rights Institute) Why viability is the least plausible definition of personhood
…you have consciousness.
- A Primer on Fetal Personhood and Consciousness
- Embryos & metaphysical personhood: both biology & philosophy support the pro-life case. (en español aquí)
- Can you step into the same river twice? A closer look at human identity
- Consciousness-based personhood doesn’t justify abortion (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Pulling the plug on a brain dead person is ok” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Abortion: A Topic that Divides the Masses (YouTube)
- Do pro-choicers think preemies are people? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Newborn vs elephant (TikTok, YouTube)
…you have self-awareness.
- “Fetuses don’t care.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Personhood based on human cognitive abilities.
- (Journal of Medical Ethics) After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
If life begins at conception…
…what does that imply about IVF?
- Human Beings Begin as Zygotes: Refutations to 8 Common Pro-Choice Arguments: Q3 In Vitro Fertilization (en español aquí)
- What do you call the embryos conceived through IVF, then destroyed?
- “Anti-choicers want to ban IVF” (TikTok, YouTube)
- (Rehumanize International) Embryo Destruction
- (Equal Rights Institute) Selective Reduction
- (Americans United for Life) Statement regarding IVF
- We Asked, You Answered: Embryo Adoption
…why don’t people mourn miscarriage?
- Our cultural gaslighting of women who miscarry before 20 weeks
- “Why aren’t I invited to funerals for miscarriages?” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Yes, I think embryos are “real” humans (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Children that never existed” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “People grieving miscarriage are grieving a potential future lost.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Sorry you’re grieving the imaginary” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Our miscarried children weren’t parasites
- When miscarriage is an emotional crisis, medical professionals can help.
- Processing reproductive grief as an atheist (TikTok, YouTube)
- On miscarriage as an anti-abortion atheist (TikTok, YouTube)
- Prenatal child support, death certificates, tax credits, and life insurance
- (Little Souls At Rest Foundation) Burial process and options for pregnancy loss before 20 weeks
- (Through the Heart) Comfort Kits Program
- On miscarriage (SPL YouTube playlist)
Are you a vegan?
- We asked, you answered: Human Exceptionalism
- “Every animal is more sentient than an embryo” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Why would atheists value human life over other animal life? (TikTok, YouTube)
- (Vegans for Preborn Rights) Why pro-life?
The Burning IVF Lab thought experiment
Other general personhood discussions
- Harry Potter explains how fetuses are people
- Arguments Against Fetal Personhood (discusses speciesism, gradualism, threshold arguments, functionalism)
- Why artificial wombs pose a challenge to pro-choice personhood arguments
- Pro-Choicers’ Persistent Infant Problem: A Reply to Boonin
- Pro-Choicers’ Persistent Infant Problem, Part 2: A Reply to DeGrazia
- (Equal Rights Institute) The most undervalued argument in the prolife movement
- The Case Against Abortion: Personhood and Infanticide (YouTube)
- It’s normal to view our embryos as valuable human beings (SYA examples) (TikTok, YouTube)
- Personhood (SPL YouTube playlist)
Bodily Rights
Bodily Rights (SPL YouTube playlist)
It’s my body; I can do what I want with it.
- (Equal Rights Institute) Autumn in the Sovereign Zone: Why “it’s my body, I can do what I want” won’t do
- “Abortion doesn’t kill humans, it just refuses to save them” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “In all other ways, we value autonomy more [than right to life].” (TikTok, YouTube)
It doesn’t matter if the fetus is a person or not, because no person has the right to use your body against your will.
- McFall v. Shimp and Thomson’s Violinist don’t justify the vast majority of abortions. (en español aquí)
- (Justice For All) De facto guardian and abortion: a response to the strongest violinist
- The Case Against Abortion: Bodily Rights (YouTube)
- “Right to refuse” syllogism (TikTok, YouTube)
- “No person can use your body against your will” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “It doesn’t matter if the fetus is a human being or not” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Where is the right to use and occupy another’s body?” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Fetuses don’t have special rights” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Why doesn’t bodily autonomy justify abortion?” (breastfeeding newborn example) (TikTok, YouTube)
- “You can shoot someone who refuses to leave your property” (TikTok)
- “Abortion is defending yourself” (TikTok)
- Of course it matters if the fetus is a person (TikTok, YouTube)
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – It doesn’t matter
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Fun fact
Forced organ donations (kidneys, car crashes, etc.)
- Abortion isn’t like refusing to donate a kidney (TikTok, YouTube)
- “So you support forced kidney donation” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Do you support requiring people to donate their kidneys?” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “If you caused a car crash, should you be forced to donate blood?” (TikTok, YouTube)
Abortion isn’t about killing; it’s about ending a pregnancy.
- It’s not about bodily autonomy. Here’s how we know.
- What is the point of abortion? (TikTok)
- “Abortion has nothing to do with value” (TikTok, YouTube)
Abortion procedures involving feticide or dismemberment.
- Abortion isn’t just about ending a pregnancy; it’s about killing a fetus. (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- “They don’t do dismemberment abortions” (TikTok)
- Feticide before termination of pregnancy (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Abortion isn’t about killing” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Abortion is nothing to do with death.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Later abortion isn’t just birth (TikTok, YouTube)
- “No one to talk to about my induction abortion” r/abortion story (TikTok, YouTube)
- “There’s no such thing as late-term abortion. That’s called ‘birth.'” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Late-term abortion is called having a baby” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “There is no dismemberment in abortion. Ever.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Society of Family Planning gives guidelines on “inducing fetal asystole” (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
Artificial wombs and abortion rights
- Abortion isn’t just about ending a pregnancy; it’s about killing a fetus. (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- “The right to avoid genetic parenthood” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Artificial wombs and the right to not be a biological mother (TikTok, YouTube)
Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy
- Child Support
- (Equal Rights Institute) Is Consent to Sex Consent to Pregnancy? (YouTube)
- (Human Defense Initiative) Consent to Sex is Not Consent to Pregnancy: A Pro-life Woman’s Perspective
Outlawing abortion leaves women with fewer rights than a corpse.
- Abortion isn’t like treating lung cancer (TikTok, YouTube)
- Later elective abortions aren’t done in hospitals (TikTok, YouTube)
- Hospitals don’t perform later elective abortions (TikTok, YouTube)
- Abortion isn’t just about ending a pregnancy; it’s about killing a fetus. (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Society of Radiologists: don’t acknowledge that embryos are living (TikTok, YouTube)
- Society of Family Planning gives guidelines on “inducing fetal asystole” (TikTok, YouTube)
The “Hard” Cases
How many pro-choicers support elective abortion? (TikTok, YouTube)
What about when her life is in danger?
- “Do you support abortion when her life is in danger?” (TikTok, YouTube)
- I’m an emergency physician. Pro-life laws don’t threaten my patients.
- (Charlotte Lozier Institute) Abortion Policy Allows Physicians to Intervene to Protect a Mother’s Life
- What counts as “reasonable medical judgement”? (TikTok)
- (Equal Rights Institute) Abortion and Medical Necessity: Improving the Pro-Life Approach
What about when there are fetal anomalies?
Interview series: stories of prenatal diagnoses
Life-compatible anomalies
- Why does prenatal testing exist? Perspectives from a parent of a child with Down syndrome
- What’s so special about eugenic abortion: a Down syndrome parent sends notes from the battlefield
- The abortion debate no one wants to have
- When there’s a prenatal diagnosis, the medical community often pressures parents to abort. (TikTok, YouTube)
- “We were offered a termination 4 other times because my baby was like me.”
- Unconscious bias in prenatal diagnosis leading to abortion
- Pressuring women to abort after prenatal diagnosis (TikTok, YouTube)
- Collection: They can hear you.
- Collection: Parents can hear you.
Life-limiting anomalies
- (Equal Rights Institute) When is Abortion Fetal Euthanasia In Disguise?
- The importance of being a parent when children won’t live long after birth
- A Pro-Life Introduction to Perinatal Hospice
- (AAPLOG) Practice Guideline: Perinatal Palliative Care
- Kate Cox, Trisomy 18, and the Texas abortion law (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- “Some conditions are worse than others” (TikTok)
- Medical community, ableism, and Trisomy 18 (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Arrow’s Story (TikTok, YouTube)
- Building trust between clinicians and parents of children with Trisomy 13 or 18 (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Is Abortion the Answer When the Baby Will Die?
What about when she was raped?
Please note Secular Pro-Life does not take an official position on whether abortion restrictions ought to include an exception for rape. We detail our reasoning here.
- The 11-year-old who gave birth in Missouri (TikTok, YouTube)
- (Equal Rights Institute) Responding to the question of rape with wisdom and compassion
- (Rehumanize International) On The Rape Exception
- Misconceptions about the rape exception
- (Georgetown Law) Giving birth to a “Rapist’s Child”: a discussion and analysis of the limited legal protections afforded to women who become mothers through rape
Abortion Procedures and Medications
(WebMD) What are the types of abortion procedures?
Abortion pills
- (AAPLOG) Practice Guideline: Medication Abortion
- The Risks of Telemedicine Abortion (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Are abortion pills safer than Tylenol? (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- (Equal Rights Institute) What’s Magical About Abortion Pills?
- (Equal Rights Institute) “Missed-Period Pills”: An Ethical Nightmare
- What Mothers See After Taking Abortion Pills
- Abortion provider sends woman abortion pills not realizing she’s 32-34 weeks pregnant (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Pharmacy gives woman abortion pills by mistake (TikTok)
- Georgia Woman Dies After Delayed Treatment of Abortion Pill Complications [Amber Thurman] (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- ACOG has spoken: 13 phrases we no longer are supposed to use regarding abortion – Chemical abortion
Abortion pill reversal
- Controversy around Abortion Pill Reversal: a quick overview
- How Abortion Pill Reversal Works Scientifically
- (AAPLOG) Practice Guideline: The Reversal of the Effects of Mifepristone by Progesterone
- The dishonest claim that abortion pill reversal is dangerous
- “APR has been proven to be unsafe” (TikTok, YouTube)
Surgical abortion
Later abortion
Later abortions are only 1% of all abortions.
Later abortions are always or almost always for medical emergencies.
- Research: Later Abortion
- Late-term abortion (SPL YouTube playlist)
- Five reasons later abortion is worth talking about
- “Why do you care when abortions happen?” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Deconstructing Three Pro-Choice Myths: 2. Most or all later abortions are medical emergencies.
- 80% of abortions in Arizona at 21 weeks or later weren’t for medical reasons (TikTok)
- Pregnancy recognition and late-term abortion (TikTok)
- Couple says they had to abort a stranger’s baby (TikTok, YouTube)
- Do people support abortion “up until birth”? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Examples of post-viability abortion (TikTok, YouTube)
- Later elective abortions aren’t done in hospitals (TikTok)
- Hospitals don’t perform later elective abortions (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Suddenly wake up and decide they don’t want a baby” (TikTok)
- “Aborting an otherwise healthy baby does not happen” (TikTok)
- Number of late abortions versus death penalty executions (TikTok)
- “All trimester” clnic aborts up to 34 weeks (TikTok and blog post)
- “The mother’s life is always at risk” (TikTok, YouTube)
Later abortion is just birth.
- Abortion isn’t just about ending a pregnancy; it’s about killing a fetus. (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Feticide before termination of pregnancy (TikTok, YouTube)
- Later abortion isn’t just birth (TikTok, YouTube)
- “There’s no such thing as late-term abortion. That’s called ‘birth.'” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Late-term abortion is called having a baby” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “It’s not really an abortion, it’s really just early delivery and comfort care is given” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Abortion isn’t about killing” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Abortion is nothing to do with death.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “They don’t do dismemberment abortions” (TikTok)
- “There is no dismemberment in abortion. Ever.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “There is no such thing as abortion after viability.” (TikTok, YouTube)
Third trimester abortions are only done in medical emergencies.
- Study: Is third-trimester abortion exceptional?
- Even third trimester abortions are done for non-medical reasons.
- My appointment for an abortion at 28 weeks / Undercover at an Abortion Clinic While 28 Weeks Pregnant
- “Is Third Trimester Abortion Exceptional?” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “33 weeks pregnant and feeling like I made the wrong decision” r/abortion example (TikTok, YouTube)
- What do they mean by “after birth abortion”? (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
Effects of Abortion Access
On women
- Pivoting to Unwanted and Coerced Abortion: A Manifesto
- Speech: What is 24% of a million? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Effects of Abortion Decision Rightness (TikTok, YouTube)
- Reasons to talk about women who struggle after abortion (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Women say they grieve but don’t regret abortion. Is that a contradiction?
- Please don’t conflate abortion harm with abortion regret
- “Aborting my baby.” Women describe their aborted embryos as their children.
- “We invited the child’s spirit to revisit Earth another time.”
- (Support After Abortion) Resources for healing (and TikTok recommendation)
On others
- Abortion does not affect only the person getting one
- Collection: They can hear you.
- Collection: Parents can hear you.
Effects of Abortion Restrictions
On women
Women will be forced to carry pregnancies.
- “Nine months of inconvenience”
- “Everyone I know who’s had a baby has said it made them even more pro-choice” (TikTok, YouTube)
Denying women abortion will destroy women’s lives.
- Five years later, 96% of women denied abortion no longer wish they could have had one. (Turnaway Study) (en español aquí)
- Turnaway Study: Women denied abortion no longer wish they’d aborted (TikTok, YouTube)
- 96% of women denied abortion no longer wish they’d aborted (TikTok)
- The Turnaway Study and women’s economic outcomes (TikTok, YouTube)
- Women denied abortions don’t wish they’d aborted (TikTok, YouTube)
Women won’t be able to get treatment for ectopic pregnancy.
- (AAPLOG) Practice Guideline: Ectopic Pregnancy
- Responding to 16 pro-choice claims about Dobbs, the pro-life movement, and abortion bans: 1. Abortion bans mean women won’t be able to get treatment for ectopic pregnancy.
- Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy is Not Abortion
- Pro-lifers oppose elective abortion, not treatment of ectopic pregnancy. (TikTok, YouTube)
- No, Missouri is not outlawing treatment for ectopic pregnancy
- Are women being denied treatment for ectopic pregnancy? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Doctor delayed emergency care for my ectopic pregnancy…in pro-abortion New York.
Women won’t be able to get life-saving abortions.
- Are doctors afraid to manage miscarriages because of abortion bans?
- Is Ohio denying miscarriage care? [Christina Zielke] (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Ohio law explicitly allows medical intervention for miscarriage (TikTok, YouTube)
- Does Texas law force women to carry their dead babies? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Did the Texas abortion ban nearly kill his wife? [Ryan Hamilton] (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Does Texas require doctors to wait until there’s no heartbeat to intervene in emergencies? [Josseli Barnica] (TikTok, YouTube and blog post)
- Nevaeh Crain case
- No, Texas maternal mortality didn’t “skyrocket” after heartbeat law (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Responding to 16 pro-choice claims about Dobbs, the pro-life movement, and abortion bans: 4. Abortion bans mean women won’t be able to get abortions when their lives are in danger.
- I’m an emergency physician. Pro-life laws don’t threaten my patients.
Women will be prosecuted for miscarriage.
- Responding to 16 pro-choice claims about Dobbs, the pro-life movement, and abortion bans: 3. Abortion bans mean women will be prosecuted for miscarriage.
- Investigating miscarriage is a terrible idea (TikTok, YouTube)
- Investigating miscarriages would be cruel, wasteful, and destructive.
- Why the “Investigating Miscarriage” Objection is Nonsense
Women will be prosecuted for abortion.
- Why penalties for illegal abortion should not focus on the woman
- Differences between abortion and infanticide (TikTok, YouTube)
- (Equal Rights Institute) Should women be prosecuted for illegal abortions?
- (Americans United for Life) Why the States did not prosecute women for abortion before Roe v. Wade
- (Rehumanize International) Life after Roe: A Restorative Justice Proposal
Abortion is 14 times safer than childbirth.
- (Dr. Calum Miller) Abortion and maternal mortality
- (Equal Rights Institute) Is Abortion 14 Times Safer Than Childbirth?
- Keisha Atkins wrongful death lawsuit (TikTok, YouTube)
On children
Did Texas’ Heartbeat Law increase infant mortality rates? (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
Abortion bans mean more children will be born unwanted.
- When women can’t get abortions, what happens to the children they birth?
- Turnaway Study and maternal bonding (TikTok, YouTube)
- Abortion bans don’t lead to a surplus of unwanted children.
- Abortion bans don’t lead to a surplus of unwanted children (TikTok, YouTube)
What about all the children in the foster care system?
- Misconceptions of foster care in discussions about abortion
- Abortion bans don’t lead to a surplus of unwanted children.
- A foster mom speaks up: “My son is loved. He is valued. He is valuable.”
- Reflections of a Pro-Life Foster Parent (2023, 2024)
- Collection: They can hear you.
- We can hear you. (TikTok, YouTube)
- “No one should have to suffer an irresponsible mother” (TikTok)
On society
No, Dobbs hasn’t caused “sweeping changes” in where doctors practice medicine (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
Abortion restrictions don’t decrease abortions.
- Research: Abortion Laws and Abortion Rates
- Research: Abortion Laws and Pregnancy Rates
- Abortion restrictions and lower unintended pregnancy rates (TikTok, YouTube)
- When abortion is restricted more people use contraception (TikTok, YouTube)
- Abortion laws decrease abortion rates internationally, but high unintended pregnancy rates can mask this effect (en español aquí)
- Deconstructing Three Pro-Choice Myths: 3. Abortion restrictions don’t stop abortions.
- Pro-choice states have just as many unintended pregnancies, and far more abortions
- “Abortion restrictions don’t decrease the frequency” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Legalizing abortion decreases abortion” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “US abortion rates rise post-Roe.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- WeCount says abortions increased after Dobbs. What does this mean?
- Births increase in states with abortion bans (TikTok, YouTube)
- Did Dobbs make any difference? Guttmacher reports over 1M abortions in 2023 (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
Abortion restrictions are imposing Christian religious views on everyone else
- “‘Where does life begin?’ is a spiritual question” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Abortion restrictions should survive religious liberty lawsuits (TikTok, YouTube)
- Why the Religious Freedom Argument for Abortion is Doomed
- Religious Liberty Justifications for Violence: A Legal Analysis (YouTube)
- If SCOTUS wants to stay out of religious debates, it should overturn Roe v. Wade
- Freedom of religion doesn’t justify abortion (en español aquí)
- Freedom of religion doesn’t justify abortion (speech) (TikTok, YouTube)
- “No one view should be legislated for by a pluralistic society” (TikTok, YouTube)
Abortion limits are a globally recognized human rights violation
- “Globally recognized human rights violation” (TikTok, YouTube)
- A Briefing on International Law and Abortion
The Turnaway Study
- Secular Pro-Life’s “Overlooked Findings of the Turnaway Study” presentation
- The Overlooked Findings of the Turnaway Study
- The Turnaway Study and women’s economic outcomes (TikTok, YouTube)
- Women denied abortions don’t wish they’d aborted (TikTok, YouTube)
- Five years later, 96% of women denied abortion no longer wish they could have had one. (Turnaway Study) (en español aquí)
- Turnaway Study: Women denied abortion no longer wish they’d aborted (TikTok, YouTube)
- 96% of women denied abortion no longer wish they’d aborted (TikTok)
- The Turnaway Study finding that abortion advocates don’t want to talk about (TikTok)
- 5 reasons to talk about women who don’t regret being denied abortion (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Life satisfaction for women denied abortion (TikTok)
- When women can’t get abortions, what happens to the children they birth?
- Pro-Abortion Researcher Receives MacArthur Genius Grant
- (Linacre Quarterly) The Embrace of the Proabortion Turnaway Study
- The Turnaway Study (SPL YouTube Playlist)
Stereotypes of Pro-Lifers
You’re not pro-life; you’re anti-choice.
- “You’re not pro-life, you’re anti-choice” (TikTok)
- Anti-Which-Choice? (TikTok)
- “Oh, so are you against the death penalty?” (TikTok and blog post)
- “You’re not really pro-life if–” (TikTok, YouTube)
Pro-lifers are pushing their religious views on everyone else.
- Interview series: Ask a Pro-Life Atheist
- Collection: Ask an Atheist
- Examples of pro-choice atheists becoming pro-life atheists (TikTok)
- You don’t have to be religious to value prenatal life (TikTok)
- “You’re pushing your views on everyone else” (TikTok)
- “You’re pro-life views are inherently religious” (TikTok)
- On “secret Christians” (TikTok)
- “The Bible Has No Say In What Women Can Do With Their Bodies” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “God is technically pro-choice” (TikTok)
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 1c. We’re not all religious.
- Statistics demonstrating you don’t have to be religious to be pro-life
- Christopher Hitchens Wound Up Opposing Abortion Choice
- “Where do atheists think human rights come from?”
- Why Secular People Should Care About Abortion (PDF brochure)
- On religion (SPL YouTube playlist)
No uterus, no opinion/Men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies.
- Debunking the Equal Protection claim to abortion rights
- Research: Abortion Views and Gender
- Responding to 16 pro-choice claims about Dobbs, the pro-life movement, and abortion bans: 11. Abortion bans are about men making laws to control women’s bodies.
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 1f. We’re not all men.
- Hi. We exist. – XOXO Pro-Life Women
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – If men could get pregnant
- Women are as likely as men to oppose abortion (TikTok)
- “No uterus, no opinion”
- So is it also “yes uterus yes opinion”? (TikTok)
- “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” (TikTok)
- Abortion affects men too (TikTok)
- “It’s easy to be pro-life when you aren’t the one carrying the pregnancy” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Don’t speak on abortion until you carry an ectopic pregnancy” (TikTok, YouTube)
Pro-lifers hate women.
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 2. We’re not anti-woman.
- “Why not mandate vasectomies?” (TikTok)
Pro-life women hate themselves/are internalized misogynists.
- Hi. We exist. – XOXO Pro-Life Women
- “Why do you hate yourself so much?” (TikTok)
- “The anti-choice woman centers men” (TikTok)
- Reasons pro-choicers have claimed that I, a woman, am against abortion (TikTok, YouTube)
- “There’s nothing worse than a pro-birth woman” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Pick me” girls (TikTok)
- “Anti-choice women are some of the most effective” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Self-loathing harpy” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Anti-choice women want to appease their oppressors.” (TikTok, YouTube)
Pro-lifers are right wing extremists.
- How many Democrats are pro-life?
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 1e. We’re not all Republican.
- “The anti-choice narrative is rooted in white supremacy.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “You don’t seem progressive.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- (PAAU) Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising
- (DFLA) Democrats for Life of America
- (The Atlantic) The Progressive Roots of the Pro-Life Movement
Pro-lifers are anti-sex/want to control people’s sex lives.
- It’s about the babies, not your sex life: 5 examples (TikTok and blog post)
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 4. We like sex.
- I’m not anti-sex. I’m anti-crisis pregnancy.
- “They want to protect America from premarital sex” (TikTok)
- “Why are anti-choicers so anti-sex?” (TikTok)
- PSA: I don’t care about your sex life (TikTok)
- “Why do pro-lifers hate sex?” (TikTok)
- Is the pro-life movement anti-sex?
- “Punishing women for having sex” (TikTok)
- “It’s not illegal to have sex.” (TikTok)
- “Why not mandate vasectomies?” (TikTok)
- “But women knew the risk when they had intercourse” (TikTok)
- “Why do you fall on the pro-life side?” (TikTok, YouTube)
Pro-lifers are anti-contraception.
- Abortion restrictions and contraception use (TikTok and blog post)
- Why would I oppose hormonal birth control? (TikTok)
- Abortion Is Dying. Long Live Contraception.
- You can be pro-life and pro-contraception. Most of us are!
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 3. We’re pro-contraception.
- Why not just advocate for contraception access? (TikTok)
- Pro-lifers aren’t trying to ban contraception (TikTok)
- “I suppose you’ll be going after contraception next” (TikTok)
- “Reproductive rights are fundamental” (TikTok, YouTube)
You’re pro-life because you lack real world experience.
- Becoming pro-life through trauma (TikTok)
- “Everyone loves someone who’s had an abortion” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “You don’t realize how complicated life can get” (TikTok)
- Collection: Becoming Pro-Life
- Blog category: Your Stories
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 5. We experience unplanned pregnancies too
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 6. Many of us are post-abortive
Pro-life is just pro-birth.
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 7. We care about what happens to the child after birth.
- “What have you personally done to support lower income single mothers?” (Facebook post)
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Can you spot the differences?
Making Space for Non-Traditional Pro-Lifers
Secular Pro-Life’s “Building Bridges” presentation
Who do I want to be pro-life? Everybody (TikTok, YouTube)
Law of Life remakrs: Welcoming in Non-Traditional Pro-Lifers (TikTok, YouTube)
For the non-traditional pro-lifers
- The Pro-Life Movement belongs to all of us
- Come sit with us (TikTok)
- Tell your friends you’re pro-life (TikTok)
- If you’re a non-religious pro-lifer, we welcome you specifically (TikTok)
- A note to the non-traditional pro-lifers (TikTok, YouTube)
- We see you (TikTok, YouTube)
For the traditional pro-lifers
- Don’t tell people they can’t be pro-life (TikTok)
- Please don’t treat pro-life spaces as Christian-only spaces (TikTok)
- No, I’m not asking Christians to stop praying (TikTok)
- Encouraging secular participation.
- The Imago Dei, or “Why should secularists care about human life?”
Some non-traditional perspectives
- A left-leaning secular woman explains why SPL means so much to her (TikTok, YouTube)
- Ahteist progressive against abortion (TikTok, YouTube)
- Not religious, straight, or male, but still anti-abortion (TikTok, YouTube)
- Interview series: Ask a Pro-Life Atheist
- We Asked, You Answered: Why Atheists Care About Preborn Lives
- Support After Abortion: Meeting Clients Across Different Belief Systems
- On miscarriage as an anti-abortion atheist (TikTok)
- We asked, you answered: How could the pro-life movement be more accessible?
- We asked, you answered: Times the pro-life movement made you feel welcome
- Queer and Pro-Life (TikTok, YouTube)
- How does the pro-life movement look to LGBT pro-lifers?
- “Gay people don’t get pregnant” (TikTok)
Bumper Stickers
Don’t like abortion? Don’t get one
- The problem with “If you don’t like abortion, don’t get one”
- “Don’t like abortion? Don’t get one” (TikTok)
- “Don’t like forced gestation? Don’t force anyone to gestate.” (TikTok)
- “If abortion is legal, it is not illegal for you to refrain from getting an abortion” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Abortion does not affect only the person getting one
- “Abortion only affects the person getting one” (TikTok)
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Don’t like abortion?
- No, I won’t mind my own business (TikTok)
- If you’re against abortion bans, don’t try to enact them, and mind your own business (TikTok, YouTube)
Keep your rosaries off my ovaries
- Interview series: Ask a Pro-Life Atheist
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – I don’t have a rosary.
- “You’re pushing your views on everyone else” (TikTok)
- “You’re pro-life views are inherently religious” (TikTok)
- “The Bible Has No Say In What Women Can Do With Their Bodies” (TikTok)
- 7 things pro-lifers wish our pro-choice friends understood about us: 1c. We’re not all religious.
- Statistics demonstrating you don’t have to be religious to be pro-life
- Christopher Hitchens Wound Up Opposing Abortion Choice
- Why Secular People Should Care About Abortion (PDF brochure)
An acorn is not a tree
- “An acorn isn’t a tree” (TikTok)
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – This is not a difficult concept.
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Repeat after me
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Different stages of life, same organism
- Eggs, acorns, and silkworms: Refuting pro-choice propaganda
If abortion is murder, then masturbation is genocide
- “If abortion is murder, then masturbation is genocide” (TikTok)
- The pro-choice view survives on widespread ignorance of biology (en español aquí)
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Basic Biology
If the fetus you save is gay, will you still fight for its rights?
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – If the fetus you save is gay
- “If the fetus you save is gay…” (TikTok)
God is the biggest abortionist of all.
The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for
- The unborn are a convenient group to advocate against (TikTok, YouTube, and blog post)
- Spoken like someone who’s never tried to do it (TikTok, YouTube)
Guess we can’t get rid of tapeworms
- Collection: Fixed That Meme For You – Tapeworm Harry
- No, abortion isn’t like removing a tapeworm (TikTok, YouTube)
Yeetus the fetus
It’s pro-choice, not pro-abortion
- “I’m pro-choice, not pro-abortion. Nobody is pro-abortion.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Nobody likes abortion.” – Master post of pro-abortion examples.
“I’m personally pro-life”
Dialogue Strategies
Talking about abortion with pro-choice friends (YouTube playlist)
3 things you need to motivate people (TikTok, YouTube)
We asked, you answered: How to avoid burnout
General strategies
Tell people you’re pro-life.
- 3 reasons you should let people know you’re pro-life (in brochure form here)
- Tell your friends you’re pro-life (TikTok, YouTube)
- Representation matters. Speak up. (TikTok, YouTube)
- Do your friends know you’re pro-life? (TikTok, YouTube)
- “If I tell people I’m pro-life, they’re gonna get pissed.” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Identify as pro-life to destroy stereotypes (TikTok, YouTube)
- Identify as pro-life to create strategic tension (TikTok, YouTube)
Seek to understand the other’s perspective.
- We asked, you answered: feedback from former pro-choicers
- Could you pass an ideological Turing test? (TikTok, YouTube)
- If you’re going to disagree, you have to know what you’re disagreeing with (TikTok)
- Be able to describe another person’s position in a way that they would say “Yes that’s what I think” (TikTok)
- Ask clarification questions (TikTok, YouTube)
Find common ground, and possibly friendship.
- We asked, you answered: Should pro-life and pro-choice people be friends?
- We asked, you answered: What are points of agreement you have with the other side?
- Areas of common ground in the abortion debate (TikTok 1, TikTok 2, and blog post)
- We should be friends with people who don’t agree with us (TikTok, YouTube)
- Developing friendships with pro-choicers is crucially important (TikTok, YouTube)
- Don’t stereotype everyone based on the worst examples (TikTok)
- “Pro-choice” vs “Pro-abortion” (TikTok, YouTube)
- Who is “really” pro-life? (TikTok, YouTube)
Be patient, and relentless.
- People change their minds over years (TikTok)
- People change their minds all the time (TikTok)
- Collection: Becoming Pro-Life
- How secular pro-choicers become secular pro-lifers
Regarding in-person discussions
- You don’t have to convince, just explain (TikTok, YouTube)
- Make the goal to understand, rather than to persuade (TikTok, YouTube)
- Tell your stories (TikTok, YouTube)
- “Should I be mom friends with a woman who raises money for Planned Parenthood?”
- Holiday Conversations About Abortion (TikTok, YouTube)
- We asked, you answered: coming out as pro-life
- We asked, you answered: Navigating abortion discussions in the workplace
- We asked, you answered: talking abortion over Christmas dinner
We Asked You Answered discussion prompts
- We asked, you answered: “My daughters are going to have fewer rights than I had.”
- We asked, you answered: “To be an anti-choice woman, you’d really have to hate yourself.”
- We asked, you answered: “I can’t believe people think it’s a good idea to let the government interfere in our lives like this.”
- We asked, you answered: “I can’t believe people get this worked up over basically a parasite.”
- We asked, you answered: “Why did you vote against your daughter’s right?”
Regarding online discussions
- Quick tips for making online abortion debate worthwhile
- Is arguing online worth it? (TikTok, YouTube)
- Remember the silent readers (TikTok, YouTube)
- We asked, you answered: What are best practices for online debate?
- “Why don’t you block the pro-choice trolls?”
- We asked, you answered: Dealing with Trolls
- Suggested boundaries for online debate (TikTok, YouTube)
- Make sure you’re one of the good voices (TikTok, YouTube)
- “I’m met with aggressive dissent.” (TikTok)
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