It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.
Join us at the Rehumanize Conference October 25-27!
/in Administrative, Speeches, Discussions, Presentations, Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardOur friends at Rehumanize International organize consistently amazing conferences. Rehumanize is a Consistent Life Ethic (CLE) group, which means their work encompasses a wide range of social ills. That includes abortion, along with threats to older humans like the death penalty and sex trafficking. Their conferences present a wonderful opportunity for activists in different spheres to come […]
Ask a Pro-Life Atheist: Elena S.
/in Religion, Uncategorized, Your Stories /by Kelsey HazzardOnce a month or so, the Secular Pro-Life blog features a short interview with a pro-life atheist or agnostic. (See the full series of interviews here.) Although Secular Pro-Life is not exclusively for atheists and agnostics, historically they have played a key role in the organization. As they become more prominent in the pro-life movement generally, we’re […]
Please don’t conflate abortion harm with abortion regret
/in Uncategorized, Your Stories /by Guest BloggerA very similar version of this post is available as a Twitter/X thread here. Photo Credit: Valeriia Miller on Unsplash Dear Pro-Life Community, I am officially asking that we stop conflating the harm abortion does to women with the concept of “regret.” This may seem trivial but I’m telling you: It’s important. First, I’m not […]
What Mothers See After Taking Abortion Pills
/in Abortion pills, Biology, Later Abortion, Uncategorized /by Sarah TerzoToday’s guest author is Sarah Terzo. You can read more of her articles here. The below blog post is also available as a recording here: Juno Carey is a midwife who works in the abortion industry. In her 2024 book A Necessary Kindness: Stories from the Frontline of Abortion Care, she describes different things she witnessed […]
We Asked, You Answered: Responding to “Parasite” Rhetoric
/in Biology, Uncategorized, We Asked You Answered /by Kelsey HazzardWe asked our followers on social media: [Read more – Some differences between embryos and parasites] Here are a few of your top answers: Katie S.: “They don’t. They get worked up because abortion ends the life of a human being, and some people think that shouldn’t happen unless the other person is threatening their […]
“We invited the child’s spirit to revisit Earth another time.”
/in Miscarriage & Pregnancy Loss, Religion, Uncategorized, Your Stories /by Monica SnyderThe abortion debate is often described as anti-choice people opposing abortion for religious reasons on the one side and pro-choice people supporting abortion for more secular, pluralistic reasons on the other. In reality, the different sides are more complex. Of course, we at Secular Pro-Life often focus on the secular bases for opposing abortion. But […]
How doctors can build trust with parents of children with Trisomy 13 or 18
/in Ableism, Research, Uncategorized /by Monica SnyderI recently read this article in the journal Palliative Medicine: Building trust and improving communication with parents of children with Trisomy 13 and 18. Trisomy 13 and 18 are common life-limiting conditions associated with major disabilities. This article explores the experiences of parents of children with Trisomy 13 or 18, focusing on the parents’ interactions […]
How secular pro-choicers become secular pro-lifers
/in Pro-Life Demographics, Religion, Uncategorized, We Asked You Answered /by Monica SnyderIn mid-July we launched our survey of non-traditional pro-lifers. Respondents described their religious views and whether they’ve always opposed abortion. Those who haven’t always opposed abortion elaborated on what changed their minds. Below is a selection of those answers from people who described themselves as “atheist” or “agnostic.” You can also see many similar answers […]
“Aborting my baby.” Women describe their aborted embryos as their children.
/in Miscarriage & Pregnancy Loss, Uncategorized, Your Stories /by Monica SnyderMany pro-choicers think of embryos and fetuses as “clumps of cells.” They may mean figuratively (philosophically unimportant biomatter) or literally (spheres of undifferentiated cells). Either way, these pro-choicers often act as if only zealous anti-abortion activists view embryos as human beings. They dismiss the idea that embryos are children as a niche and archaic religious […]
Stories of Prenatal Diagnosis: B. M.
/in Ableism, Uncategorized, Your Stories /by Guest BloggerA prenatal diagnosis is often accompanied by the pressure to abort, leaving most parents feeling unsupported by the medical community and society at large. In our series “Stories of Prenatal Diagnosis,” we share testimonies of parents who received a diagnosis while pregnant and their personal experience in handling it. Today’s story is from “B. M.” […]