It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.

thankful for the opportunity

Personhood at conception makes you pro-life

life is not disposable at any stage

Grieving the loss of this baby

a strongly pro-life friend

probably much more

I became educated on abortion

love can find a way

I started questioning why

Worst form of child abuse

sad trombone

doesn’t fit the stereotypes

Seeing how so many think human life is worthless

worst thing is to take a life

The supporters

only pro-life person in your friends

Learning that doctors make mistakes

you shouldn’t kill people

Seeing a video of an abortion being performed

abortion is the opposite of feminist

Science says a fetus is a human life

moral changes occur slowly

My friend

all the more reason

Learning biology

all deserve to be free from violence

I didn’t understand

and I’m vegan

Noticing a relationship between abusive men and coercion

the engine of my development

The birth of our children

different DNA

I grieve the loss of this baby

actual human beings

Began my dive into researching pro-life issues

hello my darling

I got educated on the topic

only lives once

opening myself to listening to others

abandoning the comforting lies

Educating myself

a person we loved

Maturity and life experience

say goodbye

I exposed myself to the descending opinion

arbitrary line

Life begins at conception

not once did I require religion

I was horrified

became more convinced

Asking fundamental questions

my son’s heartbeat


hope that things could really change

I saw the hope and love in the pro-life stance

every human life is valuable

My own experiences

a pretty good understanding of fetal development

realizing abortion is evil unless necessary

scientific consensus

see us all as equal

need to protect my child

learning some basic biology

“But it dies?!”

Listening to biological and philosophical arguments

well made pizza

Figuring out my moral and philosophical foundations

I just want you to know

Seeing, learning, hearing, reading

strikes me as obvious

Other perspectives brought me back

I had never given the opposing side a chance

I became curious

reasonably say life starts at conception

people mourn miscarriages

When I heard her heartbeat, everything shattered

Having a miscarriage

the faces of those poor humans

Going to a meeting

murder is murder

I got pregnant

my own eyes and rational mind

I could no longer support that movement

having my first child

Understanding of the biological development

I read my first embryology book

Being pregnant with my son

rethink many assumptions

Human beings are ethically of value

I couldn’t ignore the obvious truth

Seeing the process

Gradually, over a period of years, I moved from pro-choice to neutral to pro-life to vocally anti-abortion

Educating myself on the basic science

shouldn’t be taken lightly

Going through the experience of pregnancy and birth

What does that say about us as a species?

I became educated on abortion

if you value human life

all life mattered

Friends and family called our daughter an “option”
Friends and family called our daughter an "option"
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