It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.
Yeah, about that bizarre “Satanic abortions” story
/0 Comments/in Religion /by Kelsey HazzardEarlier this month, you may have seen a few headlines about “Satanic abortions” that made you roll your eyes and flash back to kooky chain emails you received from your uncle in the early 2000s. Allow me to explain what is going on. Let’s begin by clarifying the nature of the Satanic Temple, which despite […]
Interview with a secular sidewalk counselor
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Monica SnyderInterviewer’s note: People who aren’t involved in the pro-life movement—and even some within it—tend to believe that those standing outside abortion clinics are there to shame and frighten women seeking abortion. Videos of street “preachers” screaming at everyone tend to be much more viral than depictions of people quietly holding signs offering resources. I’m interested […]
A former late-term abortion nurse speaks out
/0 Comments/in Later Abortion /by Monica SnyderWarren Hern is one of the few people in the United States who openly performs abortions even after 24 weeks gestation. He performs abortions in Colorado, one of a handful of states that have no gestational limits on abortion — that is, it is legal to perform abortion for any reason at any point in […]
The religious diversity of the pro-life movement
/0 Comments/in Pro-Life Demographics, Religion, Research /by Kelsey HazzardLast week, we posted the above graphic to our social media pages with the caption “In the United States, 23% of abortion opponents are Catholic and 12% have no religious affiliation. We are proud to stand with our pro-life brothers and sisters of all faith backgrounds to end the violence of abortion!” We got a […]
In-depth interview with a millennial sidewalk counselor.
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Monica SnyderInterviewer’s note: People who aren’t involved in the pro-life movement—and even some within it—tend to believe that those who stand outside abortion clinics are there to shame and terrify vulnerable abortion-minded women. But what I’ve witnessed has been quite the opposite: the people who wait outside of abortion clinics (referred to within our movement as […]
Your Stories: Unwed Pregnancy and the Church
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized, We Asked You Answered /by Kelsey HazzardOn Monday, Secular Pro-Life published an article about Maddi Runkles, a high school senior whose private Christian school has banned her from her graduation ceremony because she is pregnant. We joined a chorus of pro-life organizations, led by Students for Life of America, condemning the school’s action and pointing out that penalizing women for being pregnant […]
Abstinence-obsessed Christian schools incentivize abortion
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardOn Saturday, the New York Times published an article about the hypocrisy of “pro-life” Christian schools that incentivize abortion for pregnant students. Appropriately titled Pregnant at 18. Hailed by Abortion Foes. Punished By Christian School., the article begins: Maddi Runkles has never been a disciplinary problem. She has a 4.0 average at Heritage Academy, the small […]
Testimony in opposition to Connecticut S.B. 939
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThe Connecticut State Capitol The following written testimony was submitted by Secular Pro-Life president Kelsey Hazzard in opposition to Connecticut Senate Bill 939. The Public Health Committee is holding a public hearing this morning. Dear Members of the Public Health Committee, My name is Kelsey Hazzard. I am an attorney and an atheist. I am […]
The State of the Abortion Debate in Poland
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey Hazzard[Today’s guest post is by SPL supporter Sylwia Gryciuk. She lives in Wrocław and is 25 years old.] It is a popular myth of our times that free access to abortion reflects society’s high level of cultural development. Another widely adopted view holds that we – as human civilization – gradually struggle towards greater equality […]