“Understanding a Pro-Life Atheist”: Ideas Digest Podcast Interview
[Special thanks to volunteer Milena Popp for her transcription work. If you’d like to volunteer to transcribe or translate, please fill out our volunteer survey.]
[Special thanks to volunteer Milena Popp for her transcription work. If you’d like to volunteer to transcribe or translate, please fill out our volunteer survey.]
Descargo de responsabilidad: El propósito de esta entrada de blog es la definición biológica. No tiene la intención de establecer o argumentar ningún punto moral o filosófico. [This article is a Spanish translation of “Human Beings Begin as Zygotes: Refutations to 8 Common Pro-Choice Arguments” courtesy of volunteer Michelle Lozano-Persons. If you’re interested in volunteering […]
Our executive director, Monica Snyder, recently appeared on the podcast Dear Jane. The episode title is “Pro-Life = Pro-God? Think Again. A Conversation with Secular Pro-Life.” You can listen on Apple, RSS, or Boomplay, or read the transcript below. [Special thanks to volunteer Anna Zwergel for her transcription work. If you’d like to volunteer to […]
[This article is a Spanish translation of Five years later, 96% of women denied abortion no longer wish they could have had one. (Turnaway Study) courtesy of volunteer Pablo Mestrovic. If you’re interested in volunteering to translate our content, please fill out our volunteer survey.] El Estudio del Rechazo tuvo una estadística muy promocionada acerca de cómo […]
[This article is a Spanish translation of “The Imago Dei, or “Why should secularists care about human life?”” courtesy of volunteer Pablo Caballero. If you’re interested in volunteering to translate our content, please fill out our volunteer survey.] Esta publicación fue escrita originalmente por Monica Snyder. Algunos de mis amigos que son cristianos pro-vida me han dicho […]
[This article is a Spanish translation of “Embryos & metaphysical personhood: both biology & philosophy support the pro-life case” courtesy of volunteer Pablo Mestrovic. If you’re interested in volunteering to translate our content, please fill out our volunteer survey.] El artículo del blog de un invitado de hoy es de Kristina Artuković Cualquiera que está de alguna […]
[This article is a Spanish translation of “Hydatidiform moles and molar pregnancies” by volunteer Axel Abbas. If you’re interested in volunteering to translate our content, please fill out our volunteer survey.] [Este post contiene fotografías de bebés con graves anomalías genéticas]. Los provida suelen decir: La vida comienza en la concepción (o fecundación). En la fecundación hay […]
Kelsey Hazzard, the founder and president of Secular Pro-Life, also happens to be a lawyer. For the Rehumanize International conference earlier this month, she offered her legal analysis of lawsuits that challenge abortion restrictions on “religious liberty” grounds. The video and transcript are below. The short version (spoiler alert): A religious liberty claim does not […]
[The below article is a Spanish translation of “Nearly half of all fertilized eggs fail to implant,” courtesy of volunteer Axel Abbas. If you’re interested in volunteering to translate our content, please fill out our volunteer survey.] El cigoto humano es la primera etapa de desarrollo del ciclo vital de un organismo humano. A veces, cuando afirmo […]
[This article is a Spanish translation of “Monozygotic Twinning: Weasley brothers, flatworms, and cow clones” courtesy of volunteer Axel Abbas. If you’re interested in volunteering to translate our content, please fill out our volunteer survey.] La gemelación dicigótica es cuando dos espermatozoides fecundan dos óvulos y producen dos cigotos que crecen como dos organismos separados. No es […]
It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.