We Asked, You Answered: Talking abortion over Christmas dinner

We posed this question to our followers on social media:
You’re at your in-laws for Christmas dinner when your spouse’s cousin, in front of everyone, asks you to explain why you’re against abortion. How do you respond?
Here are a few of the top responses, lightly edited for clarity.
Josh P.: “Killing babies is bad, mmmkay”
Susan P.: “I’d love to have this conversation! Let’s meet for lunch sometime when we will have plenty of time, and just enjoy being together today!”
Cari S.: “The last time society determined that a group of people were ‘less than’ it caused a civil war, and we are still seeing the ramifications of this mentality and the harm it did 150+ years and six generations later.”
Abi G.: If she is genuinely curious, you could explain that life starts at conception and that you think it’s wrong to end that life. Acknowledge that not everyone agrees and that you don’t want to discuss it further here but you’d be happy to chat about it in a more appropriate setting.
TS: Pro-choice here and I’d respond the same way regardless. “We’re here to enjoy a family dinner, not discuss potentially contentious topics. I’ll be happy to discuss it with you later, but let’s enjoy our family time together.” I don’t see extended family often, not going to ruin it.
Liam: “I don’t celebrate pregnancy announcements whilst thinking the baby is expendable.”
Greg P.: “Because it kills a human being rather than better supporting women in pregnancy. It’s ableist and regressive.”
Kate G.: “I believe that human life should be protected, in every stage of development.”
[Photo credit: Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash]