Top 10 TikToks of 2023

In a post-Dobbs world where the abortion debate continues, Secular Pro-Life has furthered our outreach to online communities. One such way was spreading even more content on TikTok, where SPL members quickly dispel myths, share facts, and touch upon hard topics related to human rights and abortion. With great hope for the next year, we present the following top ten most viewed TikToks on Secular Pro-Life’s account!
10. 14.3K views – No, I didn’t get an abortion.
9. 14.7K views – “You’re not pro-life, you’re anti-choice.”
8. 15.2K views – If the fetus is a person, bodily rights don’t justify elective abortion.
7. 17.2K views – Tapeworm Harry
6. 17.6K views – “If the fetus you save is gay…”
5. 25.8K views – “It’s the literal definition of a parasite.”
4. 46.4K views – The idea that later abortions are only done for medical emergencies is a myth.
3. 66.2K views – Abortion bans don’t lead to a surplus of unwanted children
2. 70.8K views – “Don’t like abortion? Don’t get one.”
1. 500.7Kviews – My abortion appointment at 28 weeks