It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.
On hiatus
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardIn addition to running, I am also a first-year law student. Finals are approaching and my stress level has become unacceptably high. Accordingly, I am on hiatus from blogging until things calm down. You will still get your Friday posts from MRNewman and things that are cross-posted from Gerard Nadal.If you are interested in […]
“22 Weeks” to be screened at Cannes Film Festival
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardI have seen this movie and it is amazing. I’m so happy to hear that it will be featured at Cannes– particularly since, as LifeNews points out, pro-abortion films have dominated on our issue in previous years. The festival is May 12-23, 2010. If you are in France at that time I encourage you to […]
Scatterbrained Sunday
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThere usually isn’t much pro-life news on weekends. So, following in the footsteps of Jill Stanek’s Weekend Question and Bryan Kemper’s Free Stuff Friday, I have decided to make Scatterbrained Sunday a regular feature of this blog.Today, I draw your attention to Four Reasons You Might Be Aborted: An Open Letter to Fetal Humans. It’s […]
Have an abortion, get $5000?
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardIn Australia, everyone who gives birth gets a $5000 “baby bonus.” The government also gives $5000 to the women whose children are stillborn, because telling a family that they’ve lost their baby and following up with “We need to talk about that subsidy” is a bit insensitive. The problem is that stillbirth is defined in […]
Abortion Requirements Pass MO State Senate
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanThe Missouri State Senate just passed legislation which will create a list of information that a doctor must provide to a woman 24 hours prior to performing an abortion. According to the Columbia Missouran, these include: “Illustrated handouts from the Department of Health detailing abortion risks and physical characteristics of the unborn child’s development in […]
It’s April 15, and you know what that means
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardSuzyB has an interesting post today: Babies Pay on Tax Day. It highlights the various ways that our tax dollars fund abortion, including the reversal of the Mexico City Policy (international abortion) and Dornan Amendment (abortions in Washington, D.C.). I predict that this will cause some pro-lifers to think “I should not pay my taxes.” […]
Guess who doesn’t like Abortion Recovery Month?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThe governors of Minnesota and Texas have declared April to be the official month for abortion recovery and awareness. Naturally, this drew the ire of self-proclaimed “pro-woman” abortion groups. Rather than once again attacking the existence of post-abortion regret–perhaps out of fear that post-abortive women would come out of the woodwork to refute them–Planned Parenthood […]
Fetal pain bill (LB 1103) passes
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardNEBRASKA RIGHT TO LIFE PRESS RELEASE Lincoln—The Nebraska Legislature may have changed the course of the nation’s abortion debate …with its 44 to 5 passage today of LB 1103, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, said Julie Schmit-Albin, Executive Director of Nebraska Right to Life (the state affiliate to the National Right to Life […]
Live Action releases video of lies in abortion “counseling”
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardIn this delightful undercover investigation, a Planned Parenthood counselor tells us that between 6 and 8 weeks’ gestation, “there’s nothing developed at all. There’s no legs, no arms, no head, no brain, no heart.” This brings to mind a favorite quote, from Mary McCarthy: Every word that she writes is a lie, including “and” and […]
Scatterbrained Sunday
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardI don’t have any real news today, so instead, here’s my analysis of an advertisement I saw on Jill Stanek’s blog. Whoever is behind it must not quite understand the meaning of “No matter what.” No matter what your background … it’s time to unite. Join the thousands praying THE ROSARY OF THE UNBORN to […]