Top 10 Articles of 2023
At Secular Pro-Life, we pride ourselves on keeping you informed and providing prompt, reliable commentary on abortion debate trends. We certainly fulfilled that mission this year! Without further ado, our most-read stories in 2023 are…

10. CDC: Maternal Health Figures Improving Post-Dobbs: “This outcome would not surprise anyone who paid attention to other nations’ experiences with introducing pro-life policy.”
9. Kate Cox, Trisomy 18, and the Texas Abortion Law: “I’m very anti-abortion. I want to see elective abortion outlawed in our country. But I want to do it in a way that women who are facing genuine medical emergencies can still get life-saving care.”
8. Many pro-choice views depend on believing embryos are “clumps of cells”—Educating people about prenatal development remains a key aspect of pro-life work.
7. Article laments baby boy born because of Dobbs—In These Times introduced us to baby Kingsley, and spent nearly the whole word count essentially denouncing his birth and existence. When he gets older and reads the article, we will be here to listen to his side of the story.
6. Five reasons to talk about women who don’t regret being denied abortion—Many pro-choicers seem to believe if women can’t get abortions, it will basically ruin their lives. The data show otherwise.
5. Abortion isn’t just about ending a pregnancy; it’s about killing a fetus—”My body, my choice” rings hollow. Monica shares two approaches you can use to prove that bodily rights are a red herring.
4. Pro-choice women who have miscarried are outraged by The Guardian—Pro-abortion propagandists tried to pass off bleached placental tissue as a 10-week-old embryo. But they forgot about all the mothers who have seen their miscarried babies at that age!
3. Pro-Life Atheist Debates Pro-Choice Christian—Monica went toe-to-toe with pro-choice Christian philosopher Dustin Crummett in a YouTube livestream.
2. Harry Potter Explains How Fetuses are People—Guest author Elise Ketch made philosophy fun with this clever illustration of the relationship between sapience and humanity.
1. Vox: Crypto Fraudster Bankrolled Michigan Pro-Abortion Campaign—Many of our readers have strong opinions about the carceral state… but I’ve gotta be honest, I’m not even a little bit sad that Sam Bankman-Fried is rotting in prison.
[Photo credit: Markus Winkler on Unsplash]