Top 10 Articles of 2024
At Secular Pro-Life, we pride ourselves on building community, keeping you informed, and combatting pro-abortion propaganda. Without further ado, our most-read articles in 2024 are…
10. Our “Ask a Pro-Life Atheist” series: Each month, we interview someone about being pro-life without religion. Want to get on the list for 2025? Submit your interview here, and you could be next on Ask a Pro-Life Atheist! Agnostics, humanists, and other flavors of secular are also welcome to participate.
9. “All trimester” clinic aborts up to 34 weeks, no medical indication required: Elective abortion into the third trimester is not only real, it is openly advertised.
8. “Should I be mom friends with a woman who raises money for Planned Parenthood?”: We love it when people write in for advice! There are many benefits to being friends with pro-choice people. We are women of action. Echo chambers do not become us.
7. and 6.: Recap of the “Myths” presentation at the University of Portland and the sources for that presentation: Deconstructing Three Pro-Choice Myths is one of our most popular presentations. The three readily disproven myths are “biologically, we don’t know when human life begins,” “most or all later abortions are medical emergencies,” and “abortion restrictions don’t stop abortions.” Want to bring the presentation to your community? Contact us!
5. No, Texas maternal mortality didn’t “skyrocket” after heartbeat law: Deaths skyrocketed during COVID (because of course they did), and decreased after the pandemic faded and pro-life legislation went into effect.
4. Human Sacrifice Is Now Legal In Indiana: In their attempt to bring abortion under the “religious freedom” rubric, Indiana abortion activists went a wee bit too far. Oops!
3. Georgia Woman Dies After Delayed Treatment of Abortion Pill Complications. Amber Thurman and her twins would be alive today if not for legal elective abortion.
2. Ten myths about anti-abortion laws: There were a lot of lies swirling around about abortion policy this year; our compilation of the truth was one of our most-read articles.
1. Nevaeh Crain’s family says her death is being used for politics: Neveah’s mother has harsh words for the doctors who dismissed Neveah’s symptoms at six months of pregnancy: “I want them to pay for what they did to my daughter. I feel like they murdered my daughter and they just got away with it … Murdered my daughter and my grand baby and just got away with it.”
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