Top 10 Graphics of 2024
In years past we would feature the most popular graphics we posted to our Facebook account. Last year Instagram posts started to compete with Facebook images for most viewed graphics. This year, all top 10 most viewed graphics were on Instagram.
10. These just aren’t gates you can keep

9. Molly used to be an embryo. Then a fetus. Then a newborn infant. She was a living human the whole time. (Btw this was also one of our top graphics of 2023!)

8. “If the fetus you save is gay, will you still fight for its rights?” Yes. And you?

7. You can be pro-choice and intellectually honest at the same time.

6. “Even under Georgia law, the doctors had a duty to act.”

5. They’re just trying to find deaths they can blame on abortion laws

4. We don’t get to pick and choose.

3. It’s very normal to recognize our embryos as our children.

2. Our children were valuable before they were born. So are yours.

1. I guess

Honorable mention: The Catholic Church and fertilized eggs
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