We Asked, You Answered: Pro-Life Policy Priorities
We asked our followers on social media:
1. Are you pro-life (PL) or pro-choice (PC)?
2. Besides abortion restrictions or bans, list any policy positions you think should be priorities of the pro-life movement.
Here are a few of the top responses.
MissAnthrope: “PC. Better access to supportive, voluntary (non-coercive and non-punitive) treatment, including medication assisted treatment if appropriate, for pregnant people struggling with substance use disorders.”
Reming M.: “PL, and I so wish the movement was more leftist overall because those policies help families more. Universal healthcare, paid parental leave (both parents ideally but especially for moms who just gave birth), universal pre-k, free school meals (yes I’m aware that free means tax funded), national standards for sex ed that is NOT abstinence based, gun control because what does it matter if we save a baby from abortion, only for them to be shot in school 10 years later. Etc.”
Sarah B.: “1. Pro life. 2. Lower taxes so real people can afford to live. Lower inflation. Get the government out of Healthcare so that giant, unaccountable health care systems don’t dominate entire counties and actually have to compete and lower prices so it doesn’t cost $30,000 just to give birth to a baby (this is what the hospital billed my insurance for my daughter’s birth!)”
Tina L.: “PC — no bans, but paid maternity leave, affordable childcare, universal pre-k, sex ed and an end to birth control deserts.”
Petra: “PL. Funding foster care. Research into medical care for babies with prenatal diagnoses and support systems for them. Better maternal mental and physical healthcare and postpartum care.”
Kara B.: “Dismiss me as a leftie all you like, but at bare minimum, universal children’s healthcare. If we can’t agree on it on a whole population level, let’s at least agree on it for kids, whose only crime was being created by poor people if they cannot get the healthcare they need.”
Christopher C.: “Pro-life. But pro-life is not merely anti-abortion. We must commit to the defense and protection of all human life. Defense and protection means not only be defended and protected from death, but from poverty, ignorance, disease, violence and war.”
Angela B.: “All the things that encourage a culture of respect for life. Three or more months of protected maternal/paternal leave. A supply of necessities at birth. Funding and supported lactation consultants and postpartum therapists. Options for doula help after birth. We have to build a culture that when we find ourselves pregnant, we are joyful and supported.”
Diana B.: “Pro-life. Decent parental leave is a must for both parents. Universal healthcare for children. A livable minimum wage. Affordable housing. Affordable (and available!) childcare.”
Robert D.: “Crisis pregnancy centers and education. Abortion shouldn’t be illegal, it should be unthinkable.”
Edie N.: “Expand services for disabled children. Services are especially dire with long wait lists in red states. Parents who get unexpected prenatal diagnosis may be more willing to keep the child if they had better services/supports. Educate doctors that abortion isn’t the only choice for an adverse prenatal diagnosis.”
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