Are we facing a blowout in November?
This article originally appeared at Created Equal and is reprinted with permission.
According to the latest tally, there could be up to 12 states facing a constitutional amendment on November’s ballot expanding abortion beyond viability killing babies that are five, six, seven months gestation, and even up to birth. According to current polling, if the election were held today, we could lose each of these battles.
Dr. Michael New wrote: “Most of these polls have shown that these abortion ballot questions are leading by substantial margins. In particular, there have recently been polls from Florida, Arizona, Missouri, and South Dakota.”
- Listen or watch my interview with Dr. New.
- Here is the current list and contact information of pro-life coalitions fighting state abortion amendments.
These state battles are not simply local but collectively represent a national referendum on abortion. If we lose all of these in November, the prospects for bringing legal protection to the unborn could be lost for a generation. A defeat could represent a fatal political blow to our movement and the babies.
Additionally, the Gallup organization recently published a poll that demonstrates that a record number of Americans support abortion remaining legal. The fact is, we overturned Roe vs. Wade but we have not overturned abortion.
This is why I am calling on all pro-life Americans and anti-abortion organizations to commit ALL their resources from now until Election Day to defeat these amendments. The good news is that Created Equal is active in these states and can help get you in the fight.
TAKE ACTION – Go to: or contact me at I’ll get you plugged in!
Every pro-life leader, organization, or individual must focus all their effort on defeating these diabolical pro-abortion constitutional amendments: Our loss will be a loss for preborn children. We simply cannot allow this to happen.
Mark Harrington, President & Founder, Created Equal