Ask a Pro-Life Atheist: Albany S.
Once a month or so, the Secular Pro-Life blog features a short interview with a pro-life atheist. (See the full series of interviews here.) Although Secular Pro-Life is not exclusively for atheists, historically atheists have played a key role in the organization. As atheists become more prominent in the pro-life movement generally, we’re excited for the opportunity to share their stories. This month, we welcome atheist Albany S.
How did you arrive at the anti-abortion position?
When I was 19, I saw the ultrasound of our now 11 year old daughter when she was 8 weeks gestation. The doctor pointed out her head, body, and budding nubs of her arms and legs. Her heartbeat was 160bpm. When I saw her, heard her heartbeat, everything shattered. I realized I’d been lied to for years about fetal development and abortion. I tried to remain pro-choice, more than I ever had, but I couldn’t ignore the facts.

How did you arrive at the atheist position?
I woke up an atheist 9 years ago. No reason, just woke up and I couldn’t believe. I tried. I had never been angry at God or the usual reasons people give for turning away. I just woke up one day and it was gone.
How do you contribute to the cause of saving lives in the womb?
I’ve spent years working with families and individuals with financial stability. From vehicle repairs, bills, food, adoption fees, legal fees, daycare, and more. Allowing people to feel like they have more choices than feeling like they only have the choice of abortion has changed countless lives.
What words of wisdom do you have to share?
Stand strong in science. Stand strong in your faith. Remember to step outside of yourself and try to understand where someone else is coming from, even if it seems impossible. The abortion industry would be nothing without dehumanizing the weakest among us, and understanding how easy it is for them to convince women they need abortion to be fulfilled is a deeper issue than many realize.