is matching up to $500 per donation!
Did You Know?
Donating equities (stocks) to 501(c)3 nonprofits like Secular Pro-Life gives you major tax advantages: first you get the tax deduction for the stocks donated, and second you don’t have to pay capital gains taxes on any profit you accumulated.
Instead of giving money to the IRS, gift it to us!
And — as if that weren’t already fantastic — from now until June 30, 2023, the upside is even greater because is matching stock donations up to $500 each! It’s a win-win-win! That’s right, a third win.
BUT is only participating in the match as long as there $150,000 match pool lasts, so please don’t hesitate. Donate today!
“What if I don’t own any stocks?”
If you aren’t in the markets and you still want to help us out, first of all: thank you. Second: here are a list of ways you can donate to us, or if you’re better set up to donate time than money, here is our volunteer survey. You can also donate quickly and easily here:
Thank you to everyone who pitches in. We’re grateful to know you’re in our corner.
Monica Snyder
Executive Director
Secular Pro-Life