TOMORROW: Nationwide Protests Against CVS & Walgreens

When the pro-abortion Biden FDA announced that it will loosen safety regulations so abortion drugs can be sold in retail pharmacies, Walgreens and CVS immediately said they would sign up for the deadly program. It is distressingly clear that these companies care more about their profits than about the lives of helpless babies in the womb. Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) quickly began organizing protests to take place on February 4th.
When we first reported on the planned protests, there were a dozen cities. That has exploded to over 90 protests in 30 states! Find the one nearest to you and make your voice heard. Even if you live in a pro-life state, your participation counts. PAAU has tons of free social media graphics and flyers for download.
Above all, be sure to BOYCOTT these dispensers of death, not just tomorrow but every day. We have to hit them in their pocketbooks. A substantial portion of their revenue is from their retail operations, e.g. snacks, drinks, and cosmetics. Shop anywhere else for those! And if you currently pick up your prescriptions at Walgreens or CVS, investigate your insurance coverage options to see if they can be moved to an ethical pharmacy.