Thanks for helping us go to the Dobbs rally!

The Dobbs rally was excellent.
Our signs and banner got a lot of attention: images ended up in major outlets such as the Los Angeles Times and New York Times and got some notice from pro-choice commentators and bloggers.

Meanwhile my speech about the erasure of pro-life women and the harm of destigmatized abortion went over very well. People were laughing and cheering. When I was done, several people thanked me and one pro-life leader told me “I can already tell that’s the best speech we’re going to hear today!” You can watch the speech below and read the transcript here. Thanks for helping get me out there!
You made this happen.
A huge thank you to those of you who donated to this trip. Your funds helped us book flights and hotels, cover ride-sharing costs, and get signs printed. Another huge thank you to those of you who volunteered your time: rearranging work and childcare to travel; carrying supplies around DC; taking photos and video for us to use later, and especially representing SPL with signs and interviews at the rally. Thank you for increasing non-religious pro-life representation.
If you like our work and would like to get more involved, here are different ways to donate and to volunteer. You can also donate quickly and easily here:
Thank you to all of our supporters!
It is quite telling how plenty of news outlets will label pro-choicers “reproductive rights advocates” or “abortion rights advocates” and label pro-lifers as “anti-abortion protesters” and not “prenatal rights advocates”, “right-to-lifers”, etc, as if they are almost trying to insinuate that we are “anti-rights” in general.
I know some fellow pro-lifers do not have much of a problem with being called anti-abortion
by these outlets, but I do. Being labeled as such by the institutions in charge of communicating information to the public too often leaves the impression that we are anti-women, because it overlooks **why** we are anti-abortion in the first place. We oppose abortion because we believe that prenatal human beings matter morally and they should have rights (particularly the right to life and to not be harmed) and performing an abortion **requires** violating those rights.
Even if you disagree with pro-lifers, these kinds of misunderstandings that seem to be (at least partly) caused by labels do end up hurting the quality of our deliberation around this issue — something which is very important for a healthy democracy.
Yes, it would be amazing if they referred to us as fetal rights advocates vs abortion rights advocates. That would be a more accurate portrayal of what the two sides are debating.