We asked, you answered: How has the pandemic impacted your abortion views?
We asked our followers on social media: “While we all try to manage life during a pandemic, do you find you’re thinking less about the abortion issue? Too many distractions? Or are you thinking about it more since so many more people are now navigating increased financial stress and other issues?” In no particular order, here are some of your responses.
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A woman sidewalk counsels while wearing a mask. Photo via Pro-Life San Francisco |
Heather J.: As a resident of Texas, I’m thinking a lot about it. Our governor has shut down abortion clinics to conserve PPE for COVID-19 patients. That has created an increased need for pro-life organizations to step up and help these women. Lives are being saved!
Rebecca C.: To be perfectly honest, I’ve been thinking about it less. 😕
Denisse B.: More, waaaaay more
Pablo M.: The same. Pro-choicers here in Argentina have made a commitment that abortion shall be legalized this year, and they will abide by it, no matter what happens with the epidemic.
Rachel S.: I’m still thinking about abortion often but in the context of a comprehensive ethic of human life and dignity. I also feel sad and angry when I hear some people who call themselves pro-life making economically driven utilitarian arguments about deaths related to COVID-19.
Grace P.: I have to admit, less. Right now what I’m worried about is keeping me and my family healthy and safe. I think when “shit hits the fan,” as they say, everything else but that falls away for a lot of people, like myself. That being said, it does anger and concern me that our rights to assembly are being taken away. For instance, those pro-lifers getting arrested for praying outside of a clinic recently even though they were observing and practicing social distancing was outrageous. We have to stand up, virus or no, if this kind of thing continues.
Alyson C.: I am thinking about it a lot. I think Planned Parenthood is being exposed for what it is: a company that only cares about making $ off of the killing of children. I also think women are seeing that there is help for them when they are in unplanned pregnancy crisis, and that they don’t have to kill their baby—there are other options. I know a lot of crisis pregnancy centers, and pro-life groups, that are being overwhelmed with women coming to them for help right now… and people are stepping up financially, and in other means, to help them.
Little Grey Fish: Not very honorable but I find myself avoiding it because I’m so stressed and anxious I can’t mentally handle thinking about the murder of babies.
Charmain B.: I’ve been taking walks and there’s a private abortion clinic in an office complex near my house. I’ve seen people out there protesting. They are the ones whose signs have photos of aborted babies on them. They have signs saying this isn’t a way to parent. It’s all condemning; there’s no hope of—we’ll find ways to help you raise your baby or we’ll help you find someone to adopt.
As someone who had an unplanned pregnancy years ago, I want to ask those people how are they helping these women? Are they offering aid to them or just condemning them? I’ve been trying to figure out what to say and wondering if my words would even make a dent.
Kim H.: What is clear to me is that individuals are sacrificing bodily autonomy with social distancing for a limited amount of time to save lives in our communities. The pro-choice argument, as professed by the likes of NARAL or PP or NOW is so very libertarian because there is not a willingness to give up autonomy for another however many months of a pregnancy to protect and save the life of a human being. Of course, there are many nuances regarding support for women and financial stability and the list goes on… I am not discounting those issues in the least.but at the very bottom line, I find it so ironic that we are giving away our autonomy so willingly (and I am one of those people) to social distance, but see a very similar situation of time limited sacrifice of one’s autonomy to bring a child into the outside world.
Kristin M.: I’m worried the economic depression is going to cause more abortions.
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