We asked, you answered: What would you do to save lives if you won the lottery?
During the lottery hoopla last week, which concluded after the winning Mega Millions ticket was purchased in South Carolina and winning Powerball tickets were purchased in Iowa and New York, we asked our facebook fans: “What would you do to save and improve human lives with $1 billion?” Here are a few of our favorite answers.
[Note: Secular Pro-Life does not take a position on the morality or wisdom of state-run lotteries; we were just being topical. If you struggle with compulsive gambling, we encourage you to seek help.]

Nora B.: Start a progressive whole-life super PAC. Also, give a pile of money to Secular Pro-Life, New Wave Feminists, Rehumanize International, Abide Women’s Health Services and any other pro-woman, pro-life organization I could find.
Clare F.: Open homes for young single mothers where they can live in community, share childcare and household responsibilities, while each works and/or goes to school. A self-sufficient community of single mothers.
Shannon L.: I would support my local pregnancy center really well. It would be nice to see them turn into a full-scale OB/GYN clinic attached to a good hospital. Beyond anything else, I think pregnancy centers having their own OB/GYNs on staff that can provide the full range of care would be one of the best ways to improve the lives of pregnant women in crisis pregnancies. If a pregnant woman could develop a doctor/patient relationship with a good physician that will see her through the pregnancy, postpartum, and even beyond into regular care she could always feel connected to the pregnancy center as long as she needs them, even if it means calling them for assistance with finding daycare, preschool, and other early childhood needs.
Though not as blatantly pro-life, I would also want to be a strong supporter of ag education. I think learning to raise and care for animals and plants is a good way to safely introduce young children to how delicate life is in a controlled environment. It is vital for kids to understand why being a good caregiver is important no matter what you may be caring for. A child cannot be in charge of human life, but learning responsibility for plants and animals is developmentally appropriate.
Noreen T.: Put a blue bus (mobile pregnancy center) outside every abortion clinic in Texas.
Linda P.: Start a college that caters exclusively to struggling parents that is completely not-for-profit, with all internship credits being earned through entry-level paid positions, so kind of a staffing company/college/home for unwed mothers/family counseling thing.
Rachel E.: I honestly thought about it and thought I’d give a fair bit to Secular Pro-Life.
Amanda C.: Create jobs. Financial difficulties are often cited as the reason for an abortion.
Beth T.: Labor and postpartum doulas for all mothers who can’t afford them, especially mothers pregnant with their first. It’s a huge transition that requires certain education/skills, assistance, and is associated with a million and one questions of all kinds.
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