Join the “You are not alone” post-abortion campaign
Abortion Changes You is an online safe space for post-abortive parents to share their stories and begin the healing process. Unlike many other
post-abortion programs, it does not insist (or even suggest) that a conversion to Christianity and/or the forgiveness of Jesus are required.
Through May 31st, Abortion Changes You is running a campaign called “You are not alone.” The concept is very simple. Go to and sign the open letter to people who are struggling with a past abortion. The message is short and sweet: “If you are hurting, I want you to know that I care. You are not alone.” Their goal is to get 5,000 signatures.
This is not a petition. It is a direct message to someone who may be experiencing the darkest moment in his or her life. Think back to the worst day of your life; now imagine finding a message from 5,000 complete strangers, tailored to your exact situation, giving you love and encouragement. Pretty awesome, right?
The Secular Pro-Life facebook page alone has over 5,500 fans, so this goal is very doable. Please, take two seconds to sign your name at And then spread the word!
Signed and shared.
Great idea.