News briefs
Senators Jean Shaheen (pro-choice D-NH) and Bob Casey (pro-life D-PA) have introduced a bill, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, to improve conditions for pregnant mothers in the workplace. The Act stands little chance of passage due to opposition from anti-business-regulation conservatives in the House.
Pro-lifers are understandably skeptical
of President Obama’s newfound interest in stopping human trafficking,
in light of past actions that put abortion ahead of the needs of
trafficking victims.
On the election front, Americans United for Life laments the millions of pro-abortion dollars being spent on advertising. Meanwhile, the Susan B. Anthony List is running a new ad in the swing state of Ohio:
This is the only propoganda site i've seen that tries to conflate the human trafficking issue with abortion.
You're doing a very BAD JOB at making people think you care about anything other than voting republican.