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Thumbs up to Amana Fontanella-Khan
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardOne of’s long-term goals is to change the media portrayal of pro-lifers. To that end, we occasionally profile articles that equate the pro-life position with religion, as well as articles which avoid this trap. Today’s article, “India, the Rent-a-Womb Capital of the World,” falls under the latter category. In it, Slate author Amana Fontanella-Khan […]
Scatterbrained Sunday: Lessons from this weekend
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThanks for bearing with the lack of blog posts for the last few days. I had a good reason: I was at orientation for the Students for Life Wilberforce Fellowship, which is a year-long leadership program. I learned a few things that you might find interesting. David Bereit of 40 Days for Life was there, […]
Quick News Roundup: 08/19/10
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanHappy Thursday, All. My weekly news roundups will now take place on Thursdays here at Secular ProLife. So, on with the news! Domestic News: It’s official – in Nebraska, the Attorney General will not fight to defend the recent pro-life legislation requiring mental health screenings prior to abortions. That has not discouraged supporters too much […]
South Carolina Establishes Waiting Period
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardSuzyB reports that South Carolina has passed a law requiring abortion businesses to give their clients accurate information, and 24 hours to contemplate it, before an abortion. The new law requires that a woman considering an abortion be given a full day to review materials objectively explaining what an abortion is and how to determine […]
Women Aren’t Just “Personally Pro-Life”
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardA variety of surveys show that women are much more likely to be pro-life than pro-abortion “women’s groups” would have you believe. For instance, Gallup’s most recent report states that men and women are about equally likely to call themselves pro-life. As encouraging as these surveys are, one might legitimately worry about what “pro-life” means […]
Healthy, Happy, Hot, and On Trial
/20 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardRemember the “Healthy, Happy, and Hot” controversy earlier this year? Let me refresh your memory: a group of Girl Scouts were attending a United Nations event. The parents were kicked out of the room and, without any parental permission, the girls received a Planned Parenthood booklet called “Healthy, Happy, and Hot.” It’s still on the […]
Scatterbrained Sunday
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardWe’re putting together an online store to raise money. What items would you like to see? Check out “What can we learn from the polls?” by member Nulono. New York, the abortion capital of America, also has some of the nation’s strictest laws protecting housecats. I’m a cat lover, but come on: priorities, anyone?
UNC update; free speech; ella
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThere’s a ton to report today, so I apologize if my comments aren’t as in-depth as usual. 1) The immediate issue regarding North Carolina public university students being forced to buy abortion coverage has been resolved. Mere days after Students for Life of America sounded the alarm, the university provided a way for pro-life students […]
Quick News Roundup: 08/13/10
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanDomestic News: In New Jersey, pro-life groups are hopeful that with Governor Christie at the helm and after 7 years of petitioning, the state will end its prohibition on having “Choose Life” license plates. For those interested, the National Right to Life PAC has released a number of their 2010 endorsements. Currently there are only […]
Pendergraft gets his fourth suspension
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardFlorida abortionist James Pendergraft is a danger to women. How many slaps on the wrist will it take? His license to practice “medicine” needs to be permanently revoked. Plenty of other pro-life commentators have spoken out on this already, and I have nothing to add, so here’s a summary of the coverage. From Operation Rescue: […]