It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.
Kenyan constitution passes
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThe proposed new constitution for the country of Kenya has passed by a wide margin. Pro-life advocates there voiced opposition because the constitution’s language on abortion is vague and contradictory: it states that life begins at conception, but broadens abortion exceptions. Pro-life leaders are now changing their strategy, hoping to pass an amendment to the […]
Press Release
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardPro-life, Comprehensive Sex Ed Initiative Launched FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Charlottesville, VA- A non-sectarian pro-life group has launched an online quiz game where teens can test of their knowledge of sex, pregnancy, contraception, relationships, sexually transmitted diseases, and related topics. It can be accessed at Its backers believe that the project will address a gap […]
Pro-lifer Arrested for Praying: Our Response
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey joins Students for Life of America, Law Students for Life, and many others in condemning the arrest of Northwestern University student Joe Holland. Holland, a pro-life Catholic, was praying the rosary outside of a Chicago Planned Parenthood that does abortions. He was arrested under a “bubble zone” ordinance that prohibits being within 8 feet […]
Safe, legal, and rare? Actions speak louder
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardOne of the main arguments that abortion advocates use is that making abortion legal will make it safe. Otherwise, they say, women will just be led into home abortions, which are unsafe. But is that really what they believe? Or are they committed to abortion even when it increases danger to women? For Australian pro-abortion […]
Pro-lifers in Congress get busy
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThanks for bearing with me. A lot has happened in my absence. Two highlights out of Congress: First, the DISCLOSE Act was defeated. The DISCLOSE Act was written in response to a recent Supreme Court decision holding that certain campaign finance reform laws unconstitutionally limited corporate speech. Pro-life groups opposed the DISCLOSE Act because its […]
Quick News Roundup 07/30/10
/5 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanHappy Friday. Here’s your weekly news roundup. Domestic News: A State Senator in Texas is looking to defund Planned Parenthood. How? According to State Senator Robert Deuell, it’s unconstitutional. In a letter he drafted earlier this week to the Texas Attorney General’s office, he outlined his case. You can read his letter here. Congressman Chris […]
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardBe back online Saturday at the latest.
Reflections on the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed by the first President Bush on this date in 1990. The ADA has undoubtedly done much to improve the lives of some disabled persons. It has improved access to transportation, jobs, and more: Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa, an original sponsor of the legislation, introduced a […]
Scatterbrained Sunday: Pro-life humor
/4 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardAbortion advocates are discussing the release of Family Guy’s banned abortion episode and lamenting the lack of pro-abortion storylines on television. It’s true that many TV and film characters choose life in crisis pregnancy situations, which is great. But we can always do better. I’m reminded of an RH Reality Check article from almost a […]
Pro-Life Freedom Rides
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThe Pro-Life Freedom Rides began yesterday in Birmingham. The event was inspired by the non-violent protests led by Martin Luther King, Jr. to secure the rights of black Americans to use desegregated public transportation. Priests for Life, which is sponsoring the event, describes its goals: It is therefore time for Freedom Rides for the unborn. […]