It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.
Paging Dr. Sex Offender
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardAlthough abortion advocates desperately want abortion to be considered a legitimate medical practice, they have also led the fight to deregulate abortion businesses in the name of access. That’s led to situations which make a mockery of the claim that abortion is health care. For instance, I would never in a million years expect that […]
Quick News Roundup: 11/04/10
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanIt’s my first news roundup after this past election day. It led to a fairly big sweep by Republicans in the House of Representatives and many individual State Houses. That said – let’s move on to the news Domestic News: Pro-Life local candidates won pretty big on Tuesday according to LifeNews. 20 State Legislatures are […]
Now what?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardEveryone else has covered the election results more than adequately. I really don’t want to blog about it, but there are no other stories in the pro-life press. So instead, allow me to share this cute-yet-depressing cartoon by Clay Bennett of the Chatanooga Times Free Press.
What else would I be writing about on November 2nd?
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThere’s really only one story today: the election! If you’re eligible to vote and haven’t voted yet, today is your last chance. The National Right to Life Committee will provide updates throughout the evening as results come in. FiveThirtyEight predicts that Republicans will make considerable gains in state offices and both houses of Congress, but […]
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by AmeliaLinneSo, two weeks ago I posted about a young mother who was being coerced into an abortion by a friend of her mother. I have good news. About 15 minutes after the police left, so did the girl, her mother, and the mother’s friend! They didn’t come talk to us, but there’s always a chance […]
Gender equality and abortion
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThe World Economic Forum recently released its 2010 Global Gender Gap Report. By comparing men and women on measures such as salaries, political participation, literacy, and health, the WEF report ranks nations on their achievement of gender equality. Unsurprisingly, high equality was found to correllate with economic prosperity. What I found illuminating is that, despite […]
Planned Parenthood stories
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardLive Action reports that Planned Parenthood has settled a lawsuit against them in Washington state. An audit shows that Planned Parenthood overbilled the state by $629,143. Under the settlement, they only have to pay back a little over half of that ($345k). Jill Stanek reports that Planned Parenthood is trying to censor the videos which […]
Beyond XX and XY
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardIf you aren’t part of our Facebook group, you really should join. We have lots of interesting discussions there. One such discussion took place in response to Wednesday’s post, which featured abortion advocates in Colorado who proclaimed that “anyone who has an X and a Y chromosome is biologically female.” That’s wrong, of course. But […]
Quick News Roundup: 10/28/10
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanDomestic News: On Wednesday, a judge in Arizona refused requests to block recently passed abortion legislation. According to local news sources, the legislation “…say[s] doctors must be the ones to do everything from determining the gestational age of the fetus to a remaining on the premises until all patients undergoing any kind of surgical abortion […]
Pro-abortion pseudoscience
/4 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardThis has already been covered by Jill Stanek, Live Action, Stand True, and many others, but must comment. The following video contains exceprts from a debate at Fort Lewis College in Colorado, where an “Advocates for Choice” student organization revealed their ignorance of, and contempt for, embryology:When I heard “[T]here’s research on our side […]