It’s crucial that we demonstrate that anyone can–and everyone should–oppose abortion. Thanks to you, we are working to change minds, transform our culture, and protect our prenatal children. Every donation supports our ability to provide nonsectarian, nonpartisan arguments against abortion. Read more details here. Please donate today.
Walk for Life West Coast 2011
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Monica SnyderWarning: some crude language. I have lived in the San Francisco bay area for five and a half years. This was my 5th year attending Walk For Life WC. Some years I go by myself; other years I’ve gone with my family and some friends. This year I went with one of my younger sisters […]
What is choice?
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardToday is NARAL’s “Blog for Choice” day. The pro-life response is to insist upon clarity. What do you mean by choice? Just as an experiment, I recorded all the choices that I made for a day. For someone who supposedly can’t stand women making their own choices, I made a ton: what to wear, what […]
Americans United for Life’s 2011 Rankings
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanAs a followup to NARAL’s State by State rankings from a week ago, Americans United for Life have released their 2011 state by state ranking. Most improved year over year are Missouri (7) and Arizona (18). At the very bottom of the list is Washington, which in NARAL’s list was #2 with an abortion rate […]
SFLA responds to Gosnell’s arrest
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardStudents for Life of America points out that infanticide by abortionists is a scandal that reaches far beyond Kermit Gosnell. Here is their press release: Arlington, VA- Officials in Philadelphia announced today that they have arrested abortionist, Kermit Gosnell, his wife and eight others in a late night raid and have charged them with eight […]
Abortionist Gosnell arrested on post-natal murders
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardKermit Gosnell, an abortionist doing business in Philadelphia, has been arrested on eight counts of murder. One of those counts is for Karna Mongar, a political refugee who escaped horrible conditions in Nepal only to be killed in a botched abortion in 2009, just five months after she arrived in the United States. The other […]
This weekend
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardWant to join us in Washington, D.C. this weekend? Then pay close attention to this message from Phil, our awesome March for Life coordinator. There are several opportunities for you to meet fellow secular pro-lifers this weekend: As the 38th anniversary of Roe v Wade approaches, many activists are preparing to converge on Washington, […]
Scatterbrained Sunday: A sad anniversary
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardWe are just a week away from the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Memorial activities will take place around the country. has a busy weekend planned, which includes participation in the D.C. March for Life on January 24. (You can join us!) Over 50 million babies have been killed by legalized abortion since the […]
On NARAL report card, high abortion rate gets you good marks
/4 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardNARAL, one of America’s most prominent abortion advocacy groups, has released its annual report card, ranking states on their adherence to NARAL’s agenda. This grade is supposedly based on a state’s friendliness toward “reproductive rights,” a phrase often abused as a euphemism for abortion. I’ll spare you a detailed statistical analysis (although if you have […]
News from campus
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kelsey HazzardAt Vanderbilt University, pro-life nursing candidates are celebrating a change in the university’s admissions and conscience policy. The school’s application process had included a statement that nursing students in the women’s health track “will be expected to care for women undergoing termination of pregnancy,” and that students unwilling to be complicit in abortions should apply […]
Quick News Roundup: 01/13/11
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized /by Matthew NewmanDomestic News: A pharmacist in Idaho is under fire by Planned Parenthood for refusing to fill a prescription for methergine. The drug is used to prevent bleeding after childbirth or after an abortion. Planned Parenthood contacted the pharmacist about the prescription, who asked if it was for woman who had an abortion. When the person […]