Secular options for abortion healing
I am often asked if I know of any non-religious resources for post-abortion recovery. Most post-abortion programs are Christian, with a particular emphasis on doctrines relating to repentance and forgiveness. And for some women, that’s fine. But many post-abortive women are not Christian, and not interested in conversion. They struggle with the same issues of guilt, grief, and interpersonal conflict. Where can they turn?
There is, believe it or not, a pro-abortion post-abortion healing program. It’s called Exhale, and it comes with the abortion lobby’s seal of approval. They even refer women to Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation! That creates a pretty serious conflict of interest if you ask me. How can you help someone come to terms with the guilt of killing a human being if you believe that they haven’t actually done so? How can you help someone grieve the loss of a child if you believe that it was just a “potential” life?
So there’s a pretty big void that needs to be filled: post-abortion healing that recognizes the nature of abortion, but is not confined to a particular religion. Happily, women are beginning to fill this void themselves, through the power of the internet.
PASS With Love is a one-on-one and group counseling service developed by an Arizona woman who was once pro-choice and had two abortions. Her approach is secular and she specifically reached out to Secular Pro-Life to offer herself as a resource. is not a formal counseling system, but a collection of message boards where post-abortive women can support one another through their pain.
Albany Rose (who is active in Secular Pro-Life) found that it helped her to reclaim her medical records from the abortion facility. She has posted a YouTube video about her experience.
Individual women sometimes adopt secular elements of Christian post-abortion healing programs, including rituals such as naming the unborn child, and dedicating a pair of baby shoes or other memorial to the child. Some also benefit from one-on-one therapy with a psychologist–but of course, you have to carefully choose a psychologist you trust.
Finally, remember: if you are in a place where you want to harm yourself or end your life, dial 911 or call 1-800-SUICIDE immediately! Healing takes time, and most post-abortion programs take the long view. That’s all well and good, but it’s not appropriate in an emergency situation.
Excellent post.
I agree with Jameson: excellent post
Thanks for the links. Albany Rose's testimony is quite poignant.
Thank you for doing this! I shared it with the pages I admin on facebook! Keep up the good work, guys!
You can find some more post-abortionpost-abortion resources at YourOptions that helps to fulfill the comprehensive needs of women facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Is there anything like a 12Step program for post-abortive women?
Not that I'm aware of. Sorry.
Why would any secular pro-birther need any healing? They're obviously not pro-birth or so called "pro-life" if they have an abortion. This site is hilarious.
I think the best remedy for post abortive guilt is repentence and forgiveness. Guilt implies remorse and regret, so helping a post abortive woman through the process of apologizing to herself and her baby would help her to forgive herself. Obviously, a Christian counselor would also include asking God's forgiveness.
Perhaps a good secular alternative would be to name the baby and write a letter to him/her asking for forgiveness, and choosing to accept that forgiveness.
Some realize the reality of their actions, or learn more about fetal development and become prolife afterward.
Reality? Pro-life after learning about fetal development?
Yep. This site is hilarious.
I think the best remedy would be for the woman to accept that she has nothing to feel guilty about.