Ask a Pro-Life Atheist: Elena S.
Once a month or so, the Secular Pro-Life blog features a short interview with a pro-life atheist or agnostic. (See the full series of interviews here.) Although Secular Pro-Life is not exclusively for atheists and agnostics, historically they have played a key role in the organization. As they become more prominent in the pro-life movement generally, we’re excited for the opportunity to share their stories. This month, we welcome atheist Elena S.
How did you arrive at the anti-abortion position?
Gradually, over a period of years, I moved from pro-choice to neutral to pro-life to vocally anti-abortion. This change was marked by little things — seeing posts on social media, having conversations with pro-life people, reading scientific research — and big life events, like experiencing a miscarriage and holding my human embryo in the palm of my hand, becoming a special education teacher, becoming a foster parent, and witnessing the historic overturn of Roe vs Wade.
[Read more – Becoming Pro-Life]

How did you arrive at the atheist position?
I was raised Catholic but have always been skeptical of organized religion and never felt that it was for me.
How do you contribute to the cause of saving lives in the womb?
Mostly through my social media presence and through donating to pro-life causes, but I’m hoping to get more actively involved as I meet more and more like-minded individuals
What words of wisdom do you have to share?
Trust your gut. I knew, subconsciously, that being pro-choice wasn’t morally right long before I consciously began to question my beliefs and eventually became pro-life, but I was so indoctrinated by pro-choice culture that I didn’t acknowledge that little voice for years. Remember that pro-life atheists are everywhere and you are not alone, even if you don’t personally know any others. Remember that at no time in history has the person proclaiming, “Don’t kill innocent people for the sake of personal convenience” turned out to be wrong.
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