“Aborting my baby.” Women describe their aborted embryos as their children.
Many pro-choicers think of embryos and fetuses as “clumps of cells.” They may mean figuratively (philosophically unimportant biomatter) or literally (spheres of undifferentiated cells).
Either way, these pro-choicers often act as if only zealous anti-abortion activists view embryos as human beings. They dismiss the idea that embryos are children as a niche and archaic religious concept.
This is nonsense, of course.
Embryos are our biological offspring, and it’s natural for people to recognize our embryos as our children. This is true for secular and religious people alike, and for both pro-choice and pro-life people.
There are many instances where women who have had abortions describe their aborted embryos as their babies or children. Below is a collection of such examples from Shout Your Abortion, a pro-abortion storytelling project. (Please note you can click each image to take you to the woman’s full testimony.)
[Read more – 8 reasons to talk about women who struggle after abortion]

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