Happy International Women’s Day!
In celebration of International Women’s Day (March 8th), we highlight some awesome women-led, life-affirming organizations you should get to know. This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but we hope it sets you down a path of authentic feminist badassery.

Abide Women’s Health: Abide Women’s Health (pictured) is on the front lines of the Black maternal and infant mortality crisis. Founded by the incomparable Cessilye Smith, Abide brings free, culturally competent pregnancy care to families in Dallas. Current services include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal care, postpartum care, and breastfeeding support — with exciting plans to launch a birth center!
Feminists Choosing Life of New York: In a harshly pro-abortion state, FCLNY keeps nonviolent feminist traditions alive. They have built an intellectually curious community that hosts multiple events every month.
Feminists for Life of America: We cannot say enough good things about Feminists for Life of America. They have uncovered and publicized our feminist foremothers’ opposition to abortion, successfully lobbied for pro-family policies, and improved conditions for student parents at many colleges. Their “Feminist Case Against Abortion” presentation is a classic.
New Wave Feminists: Famously kicked out of the so-called “Women’s March” for the sin of being pro-life, New Wave Feminists has lately focused its efforts at the US-Mexico border. NWF’s Stellar Shelter houses pregnant migrant mothers and children in Juarez. In previous campaigns, they have distributed free menstrual supplies.
Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising: PAAU was founded by pro-life atheist extraordinaire Terrisa Bukovinac and is now led by Caroline Taylor Smith. PAAU is “committed to the progressive feminist values of equality, non-violence, and nondiscrimination through an anti-capitalist lens.” They’re hosting an Anti-Abortion Feminism Roundtable tonight at 8:00pm Eastern; the event is virtual and registration is free.
Pro-Life San Francisco: Also founded by Bukovinac (when does she sleep?), and now with Melanie Salazar at the helm, Pro-Life San Francisco resists the abortion and fetal organ harvesting industries through nonviolent direct action. Their bold advocacy inspires us deeply.
Rehumanize International: We have a soft spot for Rehumanize, which was founded by the amazing Aimee Murphy with an explicitly feminist outlook. Aimee met SPL’s founder, Kelsey Hazzard, at a pro-life conference — and figured if Kelsey could start an organization, so could she! Since then, the two groups have partnered in numerous endeavors, most notably Rehumanize’s annual conferences and art contests. Rehumanize has an excellent compilation of pro-life feminist content (and merch).
Secular Pro-Life: Yes, we are including ourselves! Secular Pro-Life’s staff and board members are all women. The abortion lobby wants to make pro-life women invisible. We won’t let them.