We Asked, You Answered: New Year’s Resolutions

We asked our social media followers about their pro-life new year’s resolutions. Here are a few of our favorite responses for your inspiration!
Sarah L.: “Help out pregnant moms in my area, whether by donating maternity clothes, baby stuff, etc., or being there to support them or help with questions.”
Becca R.: “Spread more awareness about abortion pill reversal in my hometown!”
Sparrow Women’s Clinic: “Our pro-life New Year’s Resolution is to bring high quality educational training opportunities directly to our staff, so that we are equipped to serve our community with confidence and accuracy!”
London Against Abortion: “Outreach! We’ll show the truth about abortion’s brutality and talk with people about the humanity of the pre-born.”
Leah D.: “Leave an organization that has been pushing a pro-choice agenda.”
Karen E.: “Continue to volunteer at the food pantry. Contribute to anti-hunger efforts.”
Sarah F.: “Every year we plan to go through a series of age appropriate books discussing/educating healthy views of marriage, sex, pregnancy, and birth with our kiddos during our family read aloud time. We begin pretty young—our first year was this year with a two and five year old. Around Valentine’s, we’ll go through them again, with more age appropriate info being shared as they age. The intentionality hopefully creates a safe place to ask questions, and to see that our bodies, marriage, sex, pregnancy, and children are all good. As the years pass, I want them to be acquainted with basic fetal development, and to humanize the already human even in their earliest stages. I want them to see the physicality of pregnancy and childbirth and the humility of child rearing as entirely normalized, and not something to fear. My philosophy was ‘I want to start these conversations before the world starts them for me.’ Our discussions will most certainly be fixed in the presupposition that human value is intrinsic, and thus, begins in the womb. My resolution is to further train my kiddos to see what they already instinctively know—their life, and the lives of babies have value, and deserve to be protected.”
Crystal K.: “Raise $1,000 for a child with severe disabilities who is waiting to be adopted.”
Stephanie T.: “I’m going to donate more to the PRC in my city.”
Julie D.: “Be brave. The truth is in the science of human biology and procreation. And support the pregnancy centers in my area as best as I can.”