We Asked, You Answered: Presidential Candidates
The 2024 primary election will be here before you know it, and the race is already heating up. We asked our followers on social media: “If you could pose one question about abortion to a presidential candidate, what would you ask?” Here are a few of the top responses (with minor edits for clarity).
Mx. Adrian: “What would you do to reduce the ‘need’ for abortion?”
Anders E.: “To the best of your understanding, when does science say that the life of a human being begins?”

Crystal: “If they consider themselves pro-choice, do they truly support other options as much as they do abortion? If they claim to be pro-life, what are you willing to do to help children once they are born?”
David Y.: “If a fetus can survive outside the womb, is it still OK for the child to be killed and then delivered, or should she be delivered and then supported? The women’s bodily autonomy isn’t affected in either case.”
Chad F.: If the scientific community came to the conclusion that human life begins at conception, would you fight to end abortion in our country? Then I’d do whatever I could to get this paper into their hands.
Sara Y.: “What is your stance on fetal personhood and how do you plan to reduce/eliminate legal abortion?”
Christine P.: “Why can a pregnant woman kill her baby but a man can be charged with a double homicide for killing a pregnant woman?”
John D.: “President Biden, do you agree with your son, that your granddaughter should have been aborted?”
Jesse M.: “When does the unborn child get due process protection?”
Mandel B.: “Under which conditions should it be legal for someone to end another human’s life?”
Melissa D.: “What can you do to improve assistance and support for pregnant women so they don’t think that abortion is their only option?”
[Photo credit: David Everett Strickler on Unsplash]