Imagine a World Beyond Abortion

Our friends at Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) have announced a call for art, with a submission deadline of June 9th. Unlike Rehumanize International’s annual Create | Encounter art contest, which accepts pieces on a wide range of human rights and social justice issues, PAAU has a very specific prompt: imagining a world beyond abortion. Check out the website or read the details below.
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Calling ALL pro-life artists. Have you ever imagined what a world without abortion would look like?
At PAAU, we believe in radical hope which grounds our activism in pursuing a better world — even if it is hard to imagine what that might look like. In opposing abortion, it is often hard to see how we can move beyond the violence and oppression, but practicing radical hope will move us forward as a community and beyond abortion.
Art is critical in ending abortion. Through art, we are able to explore and imagine, struggle and feel joy. Art allows us to connect our own experiences to those of others, creating community that is essential to victory. Art helps us work to create a “Vision of Tomorrow” — that is a vision of what could be.
Art comes in so many forms. This art call is open to all forms of art: visual art, music, sculpture, 3D art, performance art, photography, drawing, painting… anything you can think of that expresses your imagination.
Art will be displayed during the PAAU #GrowBeyondRoe Celebration in Washington DC on June 24th. Art will also be displayed on the PAAU website on the #BeyondAbortion page, as well as featured on PAAU’s social media!