Keep Abortion Vendors Off Federal Property

Secular Pro-Life joined a coalition of dozens of groups, led by Students for Life Action, in an open letter to Congress. The letter forcefully refutes the pro-abortion proposal to establish abortion hubs on federal land.
In the wake of Dobbs, desperate abortion industry groups sought any workaround to continue killing unborn babies in pro-life jurisdictions. One idea that circulated widely on social media was to repurpose federal properties, like military bases and national parks, for abortion facilities. Come for the mountains, stay for the mifepristone! Methinks they took that stupid “camping” meme a bit too literally.
Anyway, that scheme would be morally reprehensible — and also, as it turns out, quite illegal. States can still enforce their laws on federal properties within their borders. Misusing federal lands to promote abortion could even cause that territory to revert to the states.
The letter aptly sums it up:
The stated plans to force abortion into states where voters and their representatives have recognized the humanity of preborn children and passed laws to protect them represent both a coercive abuse of power and a proposed misuse of federal property. We the undersigned join together calling on members of Congress to prevent taxpayer funded properties from being perversely turned into abortion vendors.
Read the full text of the open letter here.
[Photo credit: Mick Haupt on Unsplash]
“Anyway, that scheme would be morally reprehensible”
For one thing, it would introduce a vibration of violence and evil into localities that countless Americans depend on for mental upliftment.