The calm before the storm
Four months from now—in late January—I know exactly where I’ll be.
Via Wikimedia Commons, actually. I don’t know who took this photo. Like I said: people notice! |
I’ll be on a plane to Washington, D.C. to carry the bright blue, massive, you-can’t-miss-it banner in the March for Life. Then I’ll be at the Students for Life of America conference, where roughly 2,500
on-fire campus pro-life leaders will converge, showing them how they can reach their classmates of every faith and no faith. On the West Coast, my colleague Monica will lead the SPL contingent at the Walk for Life in San Francisco, followed by yet another Students for Life conference for western schools.
I call it Roe season. It’s hectic, it’s non-stop, and it’s my favorite time of the year. It’s when I get to connect with all of you in person, recruit more young people to Secular Pro-Life, and give students the tools they need to save lives.
Roe season is also, by far, the most expensive part of SPL’s year.
When we speak on college campuses, we don’t charge an honorarium. We know that pro-life student groups usually have limited budgets. Some student leaders have told us that our events would not have been possible if we didn’t have our no-honorarium policy.
When we share pro-life news and commentary on this blog, we don’t bug you with advertisements. And when our pieces are reprinted in outlets like, we don’t charge for that, either.
Our #1 priority is to spread the secular pro-life perspective as far and wide as we possibly can, because we know that many people can only be reached by us. That often means foregoing potential sources of income.
We need you.
Yes, it’s only September. But Roe season is looming on the horizon, and we’re already making plans for this to be our best year yet!
If you benefit from Secular Pro-Life—if we’ve shown you that you aren’t alone, if we’ve helped you talk to your friends about hard topics, if we’ve stretched your mind—then please chip in at Our goal is $5,000. I know we can do it!
Thanks so much for everything.
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Our exhibit booth at least year’s SFLA conference. The cost of an exhibit booth has gone up. Please help! |
Also I take the opportunity during the fall 40 Days for Life to peacefully stand beside the praying religious people with secular pro-life messages of peace, hope, alternatives to abortion, & co-existance of mother & child. I'll probably post some pics of my posters on my Twitter page at some point during the campaign.
Ladybug, you have just shown the ideal of what all pro life should strive for.
We are moving to houston so we will definitely be in front of the houston giant PP with the peaceful protesters praying for an end to abortion. We also will try to make it to dc in January.
Or you can take the taco and a beer challenge and support organizations that help poor women access safe legal medical abortion.
I am prolife so naturally I am pro reproductive privacy and rights for women.
You are pro birth only.
And if you want to criminalize abortion, you are pro death. The evidence for your pro death stance is incontrovertible.
I am well aware that zealots do not do facts or reality.
I will provide such facts and point to reality anyway. Someone who comes here might be sane and open to facts and reality.
Do not pray for me. God might think I hang out with you.
You can't tell me or force me to do anything; it's my choice and I choose to pray for you
If you do not value human life in all stages from conception to natural death, then you are not "pro-life"
I most certainly do value life in all its stages. What does that concept have to do with supporting reproductive care for women that is not coerced by religion or the state, or by other humans? A full spectrum of reproductive medicin is essential to the health and welfare of women and their children. WHO position paper on the subject that asserts a full spectrum of reproductive care is a human right.
Anthropologically speaking, Homo sapiens has three strategies for dealing with unwanted reproduction (births): contraception, abortion and infanticide. All three are practiced in every culture worldwide historically and currently.
Those who restrict contraception and abortion make infanticide, child abandonment/abuse and maternal mortality inevitable. We have many in vitro examples of this but the one that troubles me the most at the moment is this example:…
There is nothing moral about your position if your position is controlling women's reproductive choices by law or by shaming/blaming. Illegal abortion and sepsis and hemorrhage in childbirth are the three leading causes of maternal death worldwide. Women have blood in the game. Abortion and contraception are human rights. YOU do not occupy the moral high
I agree with Germaine Greer and you on that. Women's movement was saying precisely that in 1970.
Programs do nothing at all for a woman if she does not want to be pregnant. That is why in PA we have an organization that helps poor women get abortions. Link below:
Germaine Greer:
"Too many women are forced to abort by poverty, by their menfolk, by their parents … A choice is only possible if there are genuine alternatives."
You have no boundaries. Mark of the psychopath. Or the narcissist.
Yes I have no boundaries I will PRAY PRAY PRAY!!
Of course had I said "you can't tell me or force me to do anything; it's my choice and I choose to have an abortion" you would still think that is a psychopathic statement, right?
Exactly what I said…. I will pray in front of pp…. You don't know what I am praying for
Sure anybody can support what they want, I choose to support spl
That is SO true! Definitely more effort needs to be put forth to help the condition of poverty of these women, also campaigns for fathers to be involved, which like the president says is crucial
Except you will work to ban abortion before actually fixing "poverty", which won't help women at all.
On this we can agree absolutely.
When you say 'these women,' should I understand that to mean you have never experienced being a member of the working poor?
You should read today's article about straw men….you might find it interesting it is about putting forth arguments
Sorry, rush writing, I meant poor women. Yes I am part of the work force *chukle* . So glad we agree! I know not on everything but I am glad when we find common ground 🙂
I think that women need to decide for themselves what they need.
I say this: I AM and I WILL is sufficient argument for having an abortion.
You are not permitted by general agreement to seize my body to do your will – for treasure or to benefit any 'person.'
If you break the social contract and seize or attempt to seize my body, I have the right to stop you by force – by hurting you or killing you.
Explain to me why being female erases those rights and agreements.
"… every man has a property in his own person, and this no one has a right to but himself." John Locke, Second Treatise on Government.
I wondered if you have ever really considered the true meaning if 'I will pray for you' in this context?
The idea that anyone has standing to advise or consult with me about my sexual life without a request or consent from me is insult and invasion enough.
Civility inthat context? You are a better man than I am Gunga Din.
Ipso facto.
Ooookaaay then… That totally did NOT answer my question
By the way it is SO cliche to quote Locke… You might find this article interesting
I can understand how you would think that
Whoa hold your ponies you are getting WAY ahead of yourself. Never said I am advising or consulting. The houston pp is huge and there is always
, especially during the 40 days for life, a group of peaceful protesters… Ghandi style.
I answered your question. You did not understand the answer.
Supply an argument. I am not going looking for one.
The only one I need is = I do not want to be pregnant.
Kool. Do you seek to criminalize abortion?
No idea where you got that from
I am not sure that is what your argument is. If your argument was simply, I do not want to be pregnant, the. You'd castrate yourself somehow. Your argument is, I don't want anybody to tell me that if I do become pregnant unintentionally I should carry that pregnancy to term.
Why would I harm myself to make you happy? Sicko.
I know. And if you are not smart to enough to understand what I said, why should I give a shyte what you think about my sexual life. You sure aren't smarter than me.
It is a yes or no question.
You are totally right indeed the contraceptive pill is extremely harmful, we agree. And it has nothing to do with my happiness….you …..rude person….sorry I really have never learned to insult like you
Why is the female contraception 'extremely harmful?'
Of course not, you are the smarter one
I am a Catholic. I am not interested in anything the RCC has to say about sex and/or reproduction. Sex is to the RCC as food is to bulimics.
Somecloud is from italy, may or may not have ESL difficulties.
You argue by misquotation. Tacky.
Contraceptive pill is safe and used for more women's health purposes than just contraception.
From Italy? Kool.
Nothing prolife about criminalizing abortion. PLENTY PRO DEATH ABOUT IT.
That is obvious.
Except that "choice" does not occur in a vacuum, that's just empty rhetoric. There are many underlying factors in a woman's decision & which drive her to no longer want to be pregnant. From listening to women who've had an abortion(s) on the previously mentioned websites (& I'd encourage you to read their stories & listen/learn as well), I've learned that many felt they had no other choice than abortion. In all reality, the decision to do agree have an abortion/the abortion experience is hardly the picture of empowerment feminists & activists want it to be.
I do agree with the quote from Germaine Greer, though & this why rather than seeking to legislativsly ban abortion (I.e. illegal), I support making it rare & unnecessary by supporting contraceptive use & working towards a better support system for pregnant/parenting womenn
Speak to the argument, Stronzo.
I do agree with the quote from Germaine Greer, though & this why
rather than seeking to legislativsly ban abortion (I.e. illegal), I
support making it rare & unnecessary by supporting contraceptive use
& working towards a better support system for pregnant/parenting
Thumbs up!
I can support that.
I apologise for my earlier post, it was rather presumptuous of me, but sadly, there are many who talk the talk 'we want to help women' but instead, they simply want to ban abortion, and worry about 'helping the needy' after the fact – which is often empty rhetoric, sadly.
Glad that you do not want to criminalize abortion. I might have to hurt you if you came near my daughters to enforce that agenda.
There is nothing to 'debate.'
My ova, my fetuses, my children and my sexual organs are mine. They are not YOURS. We do not belong to the State. My sexual life is private and not subject to public or religious review.
My sexuality is private. Why would anyone presume to discuss it with me? Or follow me down the street trying to give me a baby blanket or wave a sign with a stillborn decayed corpse in my face? Simple. They are getting off.
A fact of women's lives, from the moment they get close to puberty and sometimes before, is that somebody is always trying to rub up against you. I am drawing a line in the sand. No discussion. My sexuality is private. Mind your own business. That is a truly American value.
Anyone who performs an action on my life/body to resolve their own desire or discomfort, without request or consent from me, is a rapist. That is the definition of rape.
I include in the set (rapists) those who describe themselves as 'pro choice' whose benevolence includes acting economically and morally to 'make abortion rare.' Bugger off. You are all intrusive, annoying, and perverted in your focus. Mind your own sex organs.
I do not want you thinking about or doing anything about mine.
I want the Democratic Party to live up to the party platform and defend and provide for the welfare of women by unequivocally supporting safe and legal medical abortion and contraception. I am encouraged by some signs that Democrats will do so. Or if you cannot stand Democrats, vote Green or Socialist or Independent. But Vote.
Governments only responsibility is to teach human biology to those in public schools. When the Government has the Stones to do that, at the least, then we can talk. The European countries have lower teen pregnancy rates and lower rates of infant/mother mortality because they teach human biology to their children. And they provide universal health care.
I make no bones about it. My issue is Women's Health and Freedom. You could be the best thing since sliced bread on all the issues, but mess with Roe v. Wade and abortion access and your ass is mine. Figuratively speaking of course. I am no slimy terrorist.
Wow I really feel like I have to take a shower after I read what you write, why all the foul language? Lack of vocabulary?
See how many times we agree? 🙂
And when you consider that the USA is 60th among the nations in maternal health outcomes and childbirth is 14 times more dangerous than gestating to term, having an abortion looks like quite a good choice. Especially if you do not want to be pregnant anyway.
Wait you said castrating yourself is harmful, the pill effectively cast rates you for as long as you take it
When? Please.
Righteous indignation, Piscialetto.
I am sure if you are catholic you own a copy of the ccc? Want to talk about it? Your theology seems a little shaky
How do you say 'Drama Queen' in Italian?
By the way stronzo is grammatically incorrect in my case
Except I don't believe in banning abortion, see my post above & try reading again. No did I say anything about "solving" poverty, but rather working on the underlying issues of poverty, as many charities do, which is making more of a difference than the mocking you're doing, hiding behind a computer screen.
See my other reply to you.
I don't get the connection with the castration
Not one of my favourite flowers, but I'll take it
And click to to find an abortion fund to donate to.
Ok, then let's look at what needs to be done to make pregnancy & childbirth safer, especially in developing countrie with access to clean water, nutrition, & medicine, more mobile outreach to rural & poor areas, encourage health screens in urban areas, etc.
But that doesn't matter does it? You don't want to be pregnant & are projecting/generalizing your feelings onto others. I see how it is, it's not so much ensuring others have abortions rights to better their lives so much as securing abortion rights for yourself & other like-minded folks.
I like the new nym.
Nice 🙂
Plum, heilmary is back at RHRC. Wasn't sure if you saw it. I'm just so happy she is back.
Also well to do women can access abortion and I don't think it's fair that poor women don't have the same access. This is why I donate to abortion funds for women who can't afford an abortion if that is their choice.
I did see it. And I told her I am happy too. I was truly worried about her.
I am always amazed at the average forced birth cultists's talent for telepathy and clairvoyance. /s
You don't get much.
Wrong gender? I mean, everybody has one.
Be happy to talk about it. But I really have only one thing to say and Ratzinger said it best:
“Over the pope as expression of the binding claim of ecclesiastical authority, there stands one’s own conscience which must be obeyed before all else, even if necessary against the requirement of ecclesiastical authority. This emphasis on the individual, whose conscience confronts him with a supreme and ultimate tribunal, and one which in the last resort is beyond the claim of external social groups, even the official church, also establishes a principle in opposition to increasing totalitarianism”.
Joseph Ratzinger, 1967
(in: Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II )
You have a rich full fantasy life. Rich and full.
And forget about developing countries.
I already told you the USA is 60th among the countries in maternal health outcomes. We shall see if the ACA helps with that. It certainly will not help for states who have refused the medicaid expansion.
You do not really do facts, do you? You are just here for the slutshaming and blaming.
And thank you for telling me. Very thoughtful.
Four months from now–in late January–in fact, the last day of that month, I'll be turning 42–eeep! And very happily pro-choice.
It's the contraceptive pill that keeps me from spending three days in bed each month racked with pain and occasionally vomiting. It's not harmful to me.
Castrates? Nope, reliably sure that all my parts are still attached to my body.
Obviously things like depo provera or the pill are chemical not surgical
Depo provera really wouldn't help my particular situation, and no, I'm still not castrated.
Yes I understand what you feel, I actually had to be absent from classes for 2 days each month because the pain was so intense and the vomiting. Thankfully when I came here I found out that the drs who use naproTechnology also take care of this situation. I was diagnosed and treated…all better and no pill 🙂
Not feasible for me at the moment. Also not covered under my healthcare plan.
Oh my goodness! Thank you, thank you my dear ex catholic plum pudding for opening my eyes to reality! I will leave the Catholic Church right now and and follow my heart and my conscience….. Which by the way is telling me not to ridicule you for the quote you just posted. I may not know about pro choicers, but if there is one thing I know it is the Catholic Church. I cannot believe you are quoting Pope Benedict, but I can believe you don't have a CLUE about the theology behind that quote!
Has one what? Stronzo literally means turd, but in italian I would tell you stronzA because you are a girl, although there is no feminine turd.. I guess I would have to call you turdette….cute no?
Are you a Capricorn or Aquarius? And 42 is still young but you also have more wisdom. Happy early b-day!
Thanks. I was just so happy to see her posting again I had to tell you. 🙂
I'm an Aquarius with Capricorn rising 🙂 Thank you very much for the early birthday wishes 🙂
Praying to control others is not praying.
I think praying to control others is manipulative and dishonest.
And I will pray to Goddess for the anti-choicers to have compassion and understanding, knowing that their prayers are only to control and manipulate women's personal reproductive decisions. I will pray that all antichoicers stay out of the lives of women seeking abortions and birth control. I pray that women accessing abortion and any health care services from PP or any women's clinic are not harassed or intimated by antichoice protesters.
Not sure where you got that I will be praying to control others. Seems a bit presumptuous.
No one can tell or force anyone what to do. No one can force a woman yo gestate a pregnancy. I will pray for the safe passage of women seeking reproductive health care services including abortion from the harassment and bullying of antichoicers.
I'm an ex-catholic and one of many.
I pray antichoicers stay out of women's personal reproductive decisions.
I pray to goddess that the 40 days of harassment will end and that antichoicers will stop harassing women. I pray that all the creepy guys protesting outside PP will get a life and quit harassing sexually active women seeking reproductive healthcare services. I shouldn't have to be harassed for going to PP to get birth control or any other healthcare.
You think women should be harassed for seeking healthcare? Would you like it if you got harassed going to the doctor?
Sperm is alive too. Do you value life in all it's forms including sperm?
No it's not. You are praying to stop abortion. That is praying to control the behavior and lives of others.
It means 'piece of shit' also. Are you lying about being Italian.
Che cosa vuoi, è solo un povero stronzo!
Baptism is indelible. I will be a Catholic forever, like it or not. Neener neener neener. Are you lying about being a Catholic just like you lie about being Italian?
calcio de culo. how's my italian?
Great cartoonist. Thank you.
If you want to call someone 'calcium ass' or even 'hard ass' maybe, not bad. If you want to say 'kick in the ass,' I believe it is 'calcio nel culo.'
I am an Italian American, so my grammar is rusty but my love of the language is firm. I have no one to speak Italian with anymore. The old folks are gone now. So unless I make another long trip to Italy, my Italian will become rustier and rustier.
Trovommi Amor del tutto disarmato
et aperta la via per gli occhi al core,
che di lagrime son fatti uscio et varco:
Però, al mio parer, non li fu honore
ferir me de saetta in quello stato,
a voi armata non mostrar pur l'arco.
– Petrarch
my in-laws are from italy. like they say, they speak italian ebonics. but that's how they say "kick in the ass." i'm sure the grammar is bad lol
Thank you, dear God, for 45 years and counting of safe and legal medical abortion and contraception. Praise your Holy Name.
That is what most Italian Americans speak – Italian ebonics. Me too. So I could be so wrong.
I took Italian in college and then went to Italy. I did well in Florence, my landlady told me I had an 'excellent accent.' And I could ask where the bus is and order in cafes etc. I can even read L'Osservatore Romano haltingly and without dictionary.
But formal Italian is not what Italian immigrants or ordinary Italians speak. I cannot understand even a word of some dialects.
Amen. Hallelujah!
Especially when you announce your prayers, in direct defiance of Jesus.
I would love to be 42 again. Great age.
my husband took italian in college and the instructor was from northern italy so she gave him a C for his accent lol
Unfair. Snobbish. My Nonno was from Emilia Romagna so I guess I got the good accent from him. My Nonna was from Southern Italy. I will never eat that kind of food again. RIP Nonna.
Fat Tony Scalia says such protestors are 'counseling' clients of the clinic. Like you, telling us what is MORAL AND RIGHT out of the goodness of your heart. Feh.
I say the protestors are stalking and harassing them. And advising them and doing medical consults with them without a license. Just like YOU.
I am so scandalized!!!!
“The very fact that the world is a thousand times more scandalized at a bad Catholic in public life than a bad anything else, is only a proof that the world expected much more of him.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Communism and the Conscience of the West)
Tired of straw men…..*YAWN*
Oh my bad, when you said former otr ex catholic I thought you had been excommunicated, my mistake
What is a neener? Another of your body parts? Insults? You talk in a confusing way
No, stronzo literally means turd not anus.
Yes but do you know what it means.
That would be "calcio in culo" or calcio nel culo
They must have been so proud
You really seem to having difficulty grasping the concept of peaceful demonstration
Great example of the antis harrassment.
Did you watch the video? They are harassing her
They? You mean the two girls are harassing are harassing the woman who filming? I told plum about a peaceful demonstration at the houston pp, this isn't even the houston pp!
I don't mind peaceful demonstration, that's fine by me. Stand pray, hold signs, whatever. But if you approach me and follow me to the clinic doors or shout after me, telling me not to 'kill my baby' when I'm only there for a pap smear, then we have a problem.
It's not a straw man–this woman is an actual clinic protester. This may not be what you do, but this is what some of them do.
No, 'neener neener neener' is sort of like 'nanny nanny boo boo'.
I'm not Catholic and I'm confused about how excommunication works for a layperson. Is there a list sent round to churches where they check your name to see if you've been kicked out? Or is it an honor system? I'm not being snarky, by the way–this is a genuine question.
……? Sorry language barrier?
You are still catholic even after excommunication, but it is reversible and extremely sad for the church
Yes, but it has nothing to do with praying in front of the pp with the rest of the peaceful protesters, some people may do that, but the fact that my point is answered with a different point that does not follow. Is a straw men. The majority of protesters are peaceful, respectful, many times silent and prayerful
Yeah, but how does it work–I mean, how is it enforced for a layperson?
Ok I looked it up got it is is what children do to taunt…. Ok
If the priest know you are excommunicated, he will probably enforce it, if not probably not. It just means you cannot receive the sacraments until you are reconciled again with the church. The purpose is to make you think and want to come back in fill communion with the church. It is quite rare.
But what's to stop you from going to the church down the street or the next town over and receiving them there?
it sounds like "gacha de gulu" when they say it
But if you are excommunicated it means you know the gravity of the actions you did and you would also know that it would be wrong to receive the sacraments
Many of the protesters I've witnessed outside PP are yelling at women telling them if they have an abortion they are murders. I've never seen any of the antis protesting be peaceful. They are rude, insulting, and demeaning to women.
I think we have a clue that you are praying to control the reproductive lives of women.
I'll add a ramen to that.
You may have seen that, and totally missed the peaceful group
The fetus cultist whackjob has an entire channel of youtube. She is stupid, shrill and nuts. Some 'counselor.'
You are a liar. Even excommunication does not make you a 'former Catholic.'
Have some more protesters. I am so impressed with their counseling and missionary skills.
Peaceful? Here you can see such counseling and missionary skills on display you will plotz.
Awesome. I love Jaguar Jones 🙂
Me too.
Exactly, once a catholic always a catholic, the fact that you don't follow catholic teaching makes you catholic but not practicing….woohoo you made the discovery of the open umbrella, good for you!
If you were baptized catholic like you say, then the baptism is indelible. I don't know however if you are in full communion with the church. If you reject the teachings or there is no participation in the sacraments per your will. You could be considered no longer catholic although your baptism is still valid (without taking in consideration the effects of personal sin) time to brush up on that catechism plummy dear
Try again that is not the peaceful demonstration at the houston pp
Here's something outside the Houston PP–a 'counselor' harassing a patient escort:
Here's a second one of an anti-choice protester deliberately trespassing:
And another one–a 'peaceful' Priest :
Sorry it took me a while I was laughing so hard I actually woke up the baby and had to settle him again! That was priceless, PRICELESS! The gullibility! It might take a while to write back I NEED to share this.
Just so you get an idea of the prayer groups I am talking about. There is a vocal protester shouting at the group prayin well away from the entrance. I understand that you want to only show the pushy protesters, but somehow I thought you would not have had a problem with the prayerful people.
Actually, I was just about to post that one, because you're right–I have no problem with the people who just want to stand and pray.
Thank you 🙂
Pazzo in volo.
Hi, have been busy with visiting family & just got a chance to get back on here & make some replies. Thank you for your civility & apology, accepted. I know what you mean, but I personally believe in helping others & walking the walk, not just empty rhetoric & talk (ha, I rhymed there).
Happy early birthday (regardless of your beliefs) 🙂
Wow, elementary school-grade insults, is that the best you can do. Oh well, still love ya & would protect your right to life as a fellow human being, no matter your beliefs
I stay far away from folks who want to 'do something for me.'
Before things get carried away, I think what Somecloud was saying is that if you don't want to be pregnant, you'd seek to get sterilized or prevent pregnancy some with long-term contraception.Of course I realize no contraception has a 100% effective rate, typical or otherwise, however sterilization & long-term methods (such as the implant, shot, & IUD) with a back-up are better than a single method. But I'm sure you know that & I'm preaching to the choir so to speak.
Good for you, then you'd have no problem to "stay far away" from this blog, I take it?
Once again, you exercise your powers of mental telepathy and clairvoyance. So many of you fetus fetishists communicate this way. Just amazing. /s
Truth is an absolute defense to a charge of slander.
Hey, I wasn't mind-reading so much as just repeating back what you said & pointing out that since you want to "stay far away from folks who want to 'do something for me."' that would include us nuts on this blog. Aw, big bad bully can't take what they dish.
What truth? All I myself & other reasonable folks reading & lurking have seen is a bunch of hysterics & childish name-calling at best. Calling it "truth" doesn't make it so.
I totally get that, as a person with both dysmenorrhea & heavy periods, I was on hormonal contraception for years & it did help 🙂
I don't reply to statements committing the fallacy of begging the question & straw-man arguments.
I actually agree here. I'm ok with peaceful demonstrators standing and praying & holding non-graphic signs, & this is largely what I see during 40 Days for Life. However, I'm not ok with pro-lifers following the women & shouting stuff at them like "don't kill your baby" & "murderor" & crap like that & I have no problem speaking out against it. However, if they're doing this, then they're not a part of 40 Days for Life, because that's not 40DFL's prerogative & there really shouldn't be anything threatening about a bunch of people standing around praying & holding signs that say "pray to end abortion"
Thank you for not stereotyping & acknowledging not all do this. But unfortunately you're right, some do this & I do feel they're going about it the wrong way 🙁
In the battle of wits, you are unarmed.
The antichoicers are harassing the women going to the clinic to get an abortion.
If you're not interested in hearing or listening to what your church has to say on issues they feel are important, then maybe you might consider finding a church which doesn't clash with your personal beliefs. The United Methodist Church & the Luthern church are both protestant churches very similar to Catholicism in beliefs & practice minus half the guilt & anti-abortion views 😉
No thank you.
Sperm are alive. That's not a strawman.
I have one parting remark. Mind your own sexual business. Now that is a true American family value.
Yep that's what they call peaceful.
"You'd castrate yourself somehow."
I am not a woman (yet, at least; who knows what the future holds in regards to this?); however, I am certainly willing to get myself castrated in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies and thus abortions.
Did she say anything about getting pregnant *unintentionally*? Sorry if I missed something, but as far as I know, most or all pro-choicers support legalized abortion *regardless* of whether or not this pregnancy was intentional.
"Of course I realize no contraception has a 100% effective rate, typical or otherwise,"
Castration should be 100% effective; of course, the overwhelming majority of people do not want to get this done, and I have no problem whatsoever with this.
Also, I wonder if 100% effective (I don't know–maybe some form of gene therapy?) will (eventually) be produced in the future.
"The European countries have lower teen pregnancy rates and lower rates
of infant/mother mortality because they teach human biology to their
children. And they provide universal health care."
Then how about we here in the U.S. emulate Europe in regards to this?
Older than dirt.
you are fun plum.
I hope so. Would suck to be old and boring.