(Video) Secular Pro-Life: A Brief Overview

The University of San Francisco Students for Life invited Secular Pro-Life to give a brief overview of the non-religious pro-life perspective and the need for this perspective in the larger pro-life movement.
Click here to see the presentation. Sources for the presentation are listed below the video.
Click here to see the partial Q&A session following the presentation. (Unfortunately the video camera ran out of power 30 minutes before the Q&A session was finished.)
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Okay so are we going to knock on doors for Mitt Romney or what?
Great video. I think it's so important for the pro-life movement to be gaining intellectual credibility, and I think the bodily integrity discussions that have been going on at SPL are a huge part of that. I truly believe SPL will make a huge impact down the road.
Thanks for the encouragement, Jameson. Glad you liked it.