Staying Focused!
Last week I touched on the subject about staying focused on what sidewalk counselors are there for- Saving babies! Not religion, politics and so on… I wanted to finish discussing this issue. Growing up I always heard the saying “United we stand, Divided we fall”. The more I grow up and experience the “real” world, the more I see this is so true. If we are to truly be influential in the war on abortion, then we MUST stand together! Fighting or arguing about other issues is not going to solve anything. If you look at history, any important figure whether man or woman, stood on ground on what they believed in until they saw the results they wanted. Take Susan B. Anthony for example; she fought her whole life for the equality of women- she didn’t jump on other issues of her time but stayed faithful to her cause for women’s rights. And she got what she wanted. Today we enjoy the freedoms she fought for. If Susan wouldn’t have been faithful and put her whole heart into her convictions, than America would not be the same place as it is today. That’s how us pro-lifer’s have to be. We have to do this with our whole hearts, and when out there to show the truth and especially to save babies we can’t be jumping from one thing to the next or we will get nothing done!
Ah, more news from the bully.
While most there were arguing with him about homosexuality, the Bible and so on… BABIES WERE BEING KILLED
Oh, more hate rhetoric.
Yes, if you like, babies are being killed im the US. The infant mortality rate in the US is that of a Third World country.
"For infants born at 28-31 weeks of gestation, the U.S. rate was lower than for all countries shown except Austria, Denmark, and Sweden. For infants born at 32-36 weeks of gestation, the U.S. infant mortality rate was lower than for all countries shown except Austria and Norway. However, for infants born at 37 weeks of gestation or more, the United States’ infant mortality rate was highest among the countries studied. " NCHS Data Brief, Number 23, November 2009
Who is "killing" these babies? Babies die in the US, 69 babies for every 10,000 born – more than double that for babies born to African-American mothers.
They die because of your indifference. You kill them by not caring.
All you want to do is bully women who've decided to have an abortion, and launch attacks on an organisation that is doing far more than you ever will to prevent abortions and to save babies.
You're not "passionate about saving babies" – you don't give a damn about saving babies, because if you did, you'd be out there doing something about it, working for Planned Parenthood on days when they see expectant mothers who can afford no other pre-natal care, working to fund family planning clinics, working for universal healthcare in the US so that every woman in the US can get the kind of healthcare a woman in Europe can – your Third World health system treats women especially badly, and your pavement bullying outside clinics makes you part of the problem.
You help kill those babies who die because their mothers had no access to good healthcare. You do it by demonstrating against a part of the healthcare system that actually goes out of its way to help low-income women and their children.
Your passion is for bullying. The side-effect is that babies die who could, had they been fortunate enough to be born in Europe, be saved.
You don't even do anything to help lower the abortion rate. After all, what would you do on Saturday mornings if you didn't have your favourite targets to bully?
More than three million children under five die each year from environment-related causes and conditions, such as polluted air, contaminated water and a lack of adequate sanitation. – altogether, around 10m children die each year.
What are you doing to save those babies? Nothing, because it doesn't involve bullying the vulnerable, and that's what you enjoy.
A child's risk of dying in their first seven days is higher than at any other time during the first five years of their lives. Who helps those children? Not the pro-lifers, who are only determined to ensure that a woman who needs an abortion has no access to healthcare.
Half a million women die in pregnancy and four million newborns do not survive more than a month. Pro-life reaction: one big yawn. Bullying women is much more fun.
You are misogynistic bullies. While indifferent to babies and children actually dying, you use the hate rhetoric that justifies murder and terrorism so casually, as if you really believed that a woman who goes to a clinic who have an abortion is killing a baby when she does so.
Yonmei, I seriously doubt that you spend your Saturday mornings saving African infants! Caring about one issue does not mean you care about it to the exclusion of all others.
As for Planned Parenthood, their own statistics show that they provide prenatal care to fewer than 10,000 families a year, and that number is dropping. With over 2000 pro-life pregnancy centers and clinics in the United States, where all services are free for the uninsured, it's a safe bet that low-income mothers rely heavily on this network. And yet "pro-choice" groups would love to see this network shut down. Do you honestly believe that Planned Parenthood is ready to up its prenatal care services by a massive factor to make up for these pro-life efforts? No– but you care so much about your ideology, you don't care.
I agree. Having focus is good. There's a time and place for everything. It's tempting to engage in debate but you are right that it isn't the place of a Sidewalk Counselor. Leave that to the Sidewalk Debaters.
What suggestions do you have to help newer groups avoid these instances? Maybe a team meeting beforehand to remind everyone to keep focus and not engage in debate? Do you think having "designated debaters" will help as well?
Yonmei, I seriously doubt that you spend your Saturday mornings saving African infants!
Course not, I live in the UK. I just donate to charities that do save African infants – and I do not, as this blog does, promote the deaths of women and children in undeveloped countries by denial of healthcare.
My point was that a pavement bully claiming that she's "saving babies" when all she's actually doing is standing outside a clinic where they actually do save babies trying to make women feel bad about their decision to have an abortion? It's a mad justification for being a bully.
With over 2000 pro-life pregnancy centers and clinics in the United States, where all services are free for the uninsured, it's a safe bet that low-income mothers rely heavily on this network.
Crisis pregnancy centers do not, of course, constitute a network on which low-income pregnant women can rely – certainly not if they want to keep their baby. The majority don't provide any medical services more significant than a free pregnancy test: none provide help to a woman who wants to keep her baby. Crisis pregnancy centers are just a front for adoption rings.
Planned Parenthood provides pre-natal care, is staffed by medical professionals rather than untrained bullies, and allows a woman to make her own decision based on what's best for her, then refer her on to a proper health care provider with no interest in snatching her baby once she gives birth.
The low-income women who are forced to depend on crisis pregnancy centers lose their babies to coerced adoption. Matthew sees this as "wonderful": do you?
Michelle: It's tempting to engage in debate but you are right that it isn't the place of a Sidewalk Counselor. Leave that to the Sidewalk Debaters.
So basically, Michelle, the pavement bullies who like to call themselves "counselors" should "focus" on howling abuse at the women going in to have abortions, rather than being distracted by the escorts or friends who come over to ask the bullies why they're harassing vulnerable women like this?
Maybe a team meeting beforehand to remind everyone to keep focus and not engage in debate?
How about "howling practice"? Like choir practice, but nastier.
Do you honestly believe that Planned Parenthood is ready to up its prenatal care services by a massive factor to make up for these pro-life efforts?
Oh, now that's just real bubble upintheair fantasy.
Every single Crisis Pregnancy Centre in the US could close tomorrow, and the only difference it would make would be that a lot of bullies who get to sit behind a desk and harass women would have to find a proper job. Or go stand outside proper health clinics that actually provide prenatal services, with a signs saying DOWN WITH THIS SORT OF THING.
Oh, and I suppose coerced adoption services would have to find some other way of getting hold of low-income women to provide babies for them cheap to sell on to richer parents.