We Asked, You Answered: What Are Your Pro-Life New Year’s Resolutions?
We asked our followers on social media:
What your pro-life New Years’ resolutions? Let’s hear ’em.
Here are a few of the top responses.
Sara N.: 1. To continue sharing my opinions online. 2. To continue donating to local pro-life organizations. 3. To continue participate in local hearings. I writes e-mails to politicians when they asks for opinions.
Jenna C.: Continuing to wear a respirator in public spaces since there are multiple studies showing that covid infections in pregnant people can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, or health issues in the child.
Trinny F.: Paying off debt so I can be more generous supporting organizations that help women in crisis pregnancies.
Laurie S.: Work with local first responders to get a Safe Haven baby box installed in our county.
nhrighttolife: Post more often on social media! ❤️
colleen mcg: Not staying silent in groups where it is assumed that everyone is pro-abortion
londonrighttolife: To reach more communities with educational talks on the pro-life case against abortion, using science and human rights.
agesegerblom: To continue to support women in crisis pregnancies, and teach my kids to speak about abortion with clarity and charity.
Riley JV: After my miscarriage last month I have been depressed and have had no energy. I’m praying that I can have strength and get more involved with my church and my community and volunteer at my local pro life pregnancy center and try to share my experiences and help Moms choose life and know that they are not alone and help in anyway I can.
John D.: To share the truth in love.
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