Nationwide Protests Against Late-Term Abortion on Wednesday
This Wednesday, October 18, Students for Life Action is organizing the “Expose Late-Term Abortion Day of Action” in 23 locations nationwide.
Although the abortion industry likes to pretend that late-term abortions are rare, or even completely made up, the truth is that Centers for Disease Control records tens of thousands of second- and third-trimester abortions in the United States every year. They are only “rare” by comparison to the many more babies who are aborted in the first trimester. It’s like saying “Why do you care about school shootings? They’re so much rarer than suicides by firearm!” Death is death, and we don’t get anywhere by pitting victims against each other. And we certainly don’t stop trying to prevent one form of violence just because another is more common.
The Expose Late-Term Abortion Day of Action will consist of overpass banners, rallies, call nights, and lobbying; activities vary by location. There is also an online event for those who cannot participate in person. The 23 cities are:

Bowling Green, OH
Fairfax, VA
St. Louis, MO
New Paltz, NY
Fort Wayne, IN
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Raleigh, NC
Greenville, SC
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Pewaukee, WI
Atlanta, GA
Manchester, NH
Austin, TX
Phoenix, AZ
Las Vegas, NV
Fairbanks, AK
Louisville, KY
Denver, CO
Sarasota, FL
Sacramento, CA
Washington, DC
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