We Asked, You Answered: Informed Voting
We asked our followers on social media: “If people had to pass a quiz on abortion before voting on abortion-related measures, what questions would you want the quiz to include?” Here are a few of the top responses, lightly edited for clarity.
Aleah K.: “The exact procedures by trimester. The frequency of abortions at each stage of development, and reasons women list for their abortions. Embryonic/fetal development at the stage of pregnancy related to the legislation.”
Evelyn Y: “True or false: abortion kills an innocent human being.”
Pro-Truth: “While I can think of several questions, and do wish people were more knowledgeable on the topic overall, I have ethical concerns regarding adding test requirements, in general, in order to exercise the right to vote, especially respective of individuals with disabilities.”
Mikki S.: “It would be interesting to ask if every person actually knows whether or not they were ‘wanted’ and/or ‘planned’. If every human being knew the circumstances of their personal journey from conception to birth, it could prove to be eye-opening.”
Amanda S.: “Explain the difference between foster care and adoption.”
Jenna C.: “What species is the zygote, embryo, or fetus carried by a pregnant human? Seems basic, but I’ve seen way too many people argue that it’s not human.”
Michael F.: “(1) According to medical science, when does human life begin? (2) How long after fertilization does a heartbeat start? (3) Brainwaves? (4) What percentage of women have abortions to save their lives, or because of rape or incest?”
Liam: “List the times in history where personhood was denied to a specific group of humans.”
Pro-Life Warrior: “I think they should have to watch a video of an abortion. If they can vote for it to be done, they should be able to watch the entire process!”
Michelle L.: “What percentage of women who were not able to abort still wish they had aborted five years later?” [Editor’s note: The answer is just 4%!]