We Asked, You Answered: Human Exceptionalism
We asked our followers on social media: “Question from a commenter specifically for atheists & agnostics (whether pro-life or pro-choice, doesn’t matter). IF you believe humans warrant more consideration/protection/resources/defense than other species, why?”
Mind that IF; we know that the secular, pro-life, and animal rights movements sometimes overlap! But the attitude toward human exceptionalism among the secular community is worth exploring. Here are a few of the top responses.
Lesley W.: “I fully admit to being a speciesist. I think it’s an inherent, primal bias to favor your own species over another, the same as most will always favor their own children over someone else’s children. That doesn’t mean that those other children don’t have value, but in terms of evolutionary instincts, you’re going to preserve those closest to you genetically.”
Jordan W.: “Because I am human. Selective compassion is a necessity to keep your sanity. Reality/nature isn’t built around the human construct that ‘all life is equal/sacred’. Sure, we could make pragmatic and slow steps to improving the quality of life of not only humans, but other species too, but we’re fighting against the tides of a discompassionate and unequal universe. Life feeds off life.”

Destinesia: “Agnostic here: because our brains are much more developed, and we evolved to be able to dominate over other species. Plus, to put it quite simply, being human myself I obviously value my human peers more.”
Beverly N.: “We’re the only species having this conversation — and acting on it.”
Anders E.: “Practically our entire system of law operates under and/or depends upon the distinction between humans and non-human species. It’s fundamental. So to question that distinction in the context of abortion regulation is not terribly distinguishable from questioning law itself.”
KJ: “I see it as a matter of practicality for this current slice of time. You have to start caring from what is most close. Self. Family. Nation. Species…? We weren’t always at species level of concern. We didn’t have the capacity.”
Stacy: “I’m a human. I expect bees to protect their hive, lions their pride, etc. I’m a human. That’s my tribe… suck as it may.”
Clever Fool: “I’m a Christian, but my fiancé is agnostic, so I asked him. He says it’s because we’re sapient and animals, at least that we have now, aren’t, and if someone can show him an alien or prove that some mad scientist’s cloned mammoth is sapient, it deserves equal consideration.”
Judy F.: “So if there was a kitten and a room full of frozen embryos…” [Follow-up comment: “For those of you who replied to my kitten/embryos question: You are all awesome. Honestly, the question was my feeble attempt at humor, but I’m glad y’all took it so seriously because I learned a few things. Primarily, if the embryos are in a fire-safe freezer, leave them be.”]
[Photo credit: George Potter on Unsplash]
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