Secular Pro-life May Recap

Another month of lockdown and Secular Pro-Life hasn’t been slowing down at all, even if Covid-19 has changed the ways we can interact with people. Kelsey has been busy with virtual outreach, speaking to the National Campus Life Network (the Canadian version of Students for Life), and a pro-life student group at Florida Atlantic University. You can watch her talk with the National Campus Life Network here and Florida Atlantic University here.
In May, SPL enthusiastically joined a coalition of pro-life organizations led by the Susan B. Anthony List in an open letter to the FDA demanding immediate action against illegal online abortion drug vendorLearn more about it from our blog post here.
Bringing home the point that SPL is a place for people of every faith and no faith at all, Terrisa was interviewed by the Catholic EWTN channel on how Secular Pro-Life got her into pro-life activism and eventually went on to found Pro-Life San Francisco. She helps explain the secular position against abortion to a religious audience. You can watch her interview here.
Monica is working on a series of interviews on sidewalk counselors and people who work at pregnancy resource centers. If you are a sidewalk counselor or work at a pregnancy resource center and you would like to share the important work you do, contact Monica at
We gained 167 new followers, bringing us to 11,773 total. We sent 138 tweets, which were viewed 314,700 times, including our reaction to this NARAL tweet that lacks self-awareness and drawing attention to this article by the National Review, debunking a Washington Post article on late-term abortions. The gruesome reality is that even though late-term abortions are rare as a percentage, they are more common than gun homicides.
In May we gained 242 followers, bringing us to 32,818 total. Our content was viewed over 375,224 times, including 30,900 views of our collection of tweets from people who were born in less than perfect circumstances but are tired of being told their lives aren’t worth living by abortion supporters.
Our three most-read blog posts for May, in increasing order:
1) Destiny’s Destiny: Pro-Life Lessons from a Horse Farm: A look by guest blogger Crystal Kupper at the all too common practice of horse abortions and the comparisons that can be made with the pressure put on human women to abort.
2) A former late-term abortion nurse speaks out: Julie Wilkinson, a former nurse at the abortion clinic of the infamous late-term abortionist Warren Hern, has since left to work at a NICU. SPL analyzes a recent interview with her in the New American.
3) The problem with “If you don’t like abortion, don’t get one”: Guest blogger “J” breaks down this unfortunately common and frustrating misconception that pro-choice activists have about the pro-life position. Two out of three of our top viewed posts were written by guest bloggers. Guest posts help us cover a more diverse range of perspectives, topics, and experiences. If you have an idea for a piece you’d like to submit, please email us at to discuss.
Thank you to our supporters
Thank you to those of you who donate to help support our work. SPL is run by dedicated volunteers, and we would not be able to devote the time and energy without the help of donors like you.
If you would like to donate to Secular Pro-Life, here is our PayPal. If you don’t use PayPal, you can also go to our Facebook page and click the blue “Donate” button under our cover photo on the right. If you would like your donation to be used for a specific need (e.g. travel costs, conference sponsorships, social media advertising, etc.) please email us ( with your instructions.
And if you haven’t already, come find us on social media! (Facebook. Twitter, Instagram, Youtube)
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