Quick News Roundup: 12/09/10
Domestic News: Pro-life state legislators in Indiana are planning to put forward legislation to prohibit the state from funding Planned Parenthood and to ban abortions after 20 weeks. In Hamilton County, Ohio a Judge rules in favor of a woman suing Planned Parenthood. A woman says that she received an abortion when she was 14 years old, in violation of state law. In Iowa, pro-life legislators proposed fetal pain legislation prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks.
International News: The European Court of Human Rights will be ruling soon on Ireland‘s abortion law. The courts will be determining if Ireland’s abortion law violates women’s human rights according to European law, the court will be meeting to rule next Thursday. Abortion advocates are angry about an update to the Hungarian Constitution which states “…that life must be protected from the beginning…” which could be used to prohibit abortion. In China, pro-life messages are beginning to break through with some religious pro-life activists using new media approaches to spread pro-life information.
Discussion Topic: Are there any specific new legislators that you are looking forward to in the coming new legislative session in your home state, city, country, or other locality?
"The European Court of Human Rights will be ruling soon on Ireland's abortion law. The courts will be determining if Ireland's abortion law violates women’s human rights according to European law, the court will be meeting to rule next Thursday."
If I was the country of Ireland and was ruled against, I would say, "I see you have made your decision. Let's see you enforce it."
(to quote Brandon Lee in The Crow, as Eric Draven, and to paraphrase President Andrew Jackson)